问题定义 -> 需求 -> 分析 -> 设计 -> 编码 -> 测试 -> 维护
software process
- the way we produce software, 以人为主体
- evolution model
- waterfall model
- Iterative-and-incremental Process Models
waterfall model
evolution-tree life-cycle model
at the end of each episode we have a baseline: a complete set of artifacts
artifact: a constituent component of a software product
Iterative-and-incremental Process Models
- Incrementation(增量): 指对于产品的功能上、模块上的增加
- Iteration(迭代): 指增量部分仍然使用相同的流程来开发
generic process framework
- framework activities
- Communication
- Planning
- Modeling
- Construction
- Deployment
- umbrella activities:普适性活动,是所有框架性活动都会涉及到的
- project tracking and control
- risk management
- quality assurance
- configuration management
- technical reviews
software life-cycle model
- a description of the steps that should be performed when building a software product,从软件自身来看
- core workflows in life-cycles
- Requirements workflow
- Analysis workflow
- Design workflow
- Implementation workflow
- Test workflow
Code-and-Fix life-cycle model
waterfall life-cycle model
or classic life cycle
- Communication - Planning - Modeling - Construction - Deployment
Rapid-prototyping life-cycle model
Spiral life-cycle model
Spiral model ≈ Prototyping model + waterfall model