- Good at simulating specular effects
- Rays are reflected, refracted or absorbed
- 三角形法向:$N=\frac{(P_1-P_0)\times(P_2-P_0)}{|(P_1-P_0)\times(P_2-P_0)|}$
- 计算每个顶点法向:$N_v=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^k}{|\sum_{i=1}^k|}$
- Tangent Space:
- normal vecotr $N$
- tangent vector $T$
- bitangent vector $B$
- Shpere
- Definition: $x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2=0$
- Definition: $x=r\sin\theta\cos\phi,y=r\sin\theta\sin\phi,z=r\cos\theta$
- Cylinder
- Definition: $\phi=u\phi_{\max},x=r\cos\phi,y=r\sin\phi,z=z_{\min}+v(z_{\max}-z_{\min})$
- Disk
- Definition: $\phi=u\phi_{\max},x=((1-v)r_i+vr)\cos\phi,y=((1-v)r_i+vr)\sin\phi,z=h$
- Triangle Mesh
- Testing each object for each ray is slow
- Fewer Rays
- Adaptive sampling: 减少采样,内插
- depth control
- Generalized Rays
- beam tracing
- cone tracing
- pencil tracing
- Faster Intersection
- Object subdivision approaches
- BVH (Bounding Volumne boxes):recursively finding bounding box of objects and split objects into two groups
- Space subdivision approaches
Uniform Grid
Find bounding box - Determine grid resolution - Place object in cell if its bounding box overlaps the cell- Check that object overlaps cell(expensive!)
Teapot in a stadium Problem: Not adaptive to distribution of primitives
SAH(Surface Area Heuristic): 分割平面代价评估函数
- Building Time: BVH < KD-Tree
- Ray intersection test: BVH > KD-Tree
- Object subdivision approaches
- 计算交点的能量:the sading of each intersection point is the sum of contributions from all light sources
- Material properties: diffusion, specular, shininess, emission
- Light types: Ambient light, point light, …
- Classic Ray Tracing
- Perfect focus
- Perfect reflections
- Sharp shadow
- Distributed Ray Tracing: randomly oversampling to reduce aliasing artifacts in rendered images
- antialiasing: super-sampling and averaging down
- Jittering: randomly generate a ray within each grid
- soft shadows: sample area light
- depth-of-field: sample on Lens
- motion blur: sample on time
- glossy reflections: 介于漫反射与镜面反射
- antialiasing: super-sampling and averaging down
- Threading(Pthread, OpenMP) distributes rays across cores
- MPI distributes rays across processors on different machiens (Message Passing Interface)
- OptiX/CUDA distributes rays on the GPU
- Memory coherency