Rendering: The process of generating an image from a model, by means of a computer program
Model -> Rendering -> Image -> Display
- image + model - comp = painting, photography
- model + comp - image = 3D printing, hydrographic printing, sound rendering
- image + comp - model = abstract graphics
- Shadows
- Reflections
- Transparency
- Translucency
- Textures
- Complex illumination
- Realistic Materials
- Scene geometry
- Camera
- Light sources
- Materials
- Light propagation
- 影视特效
- 动画
- 三维游戏(Performance,速度要快)
- 工业设计
- 文化遗产保护
- 虚拟现实(Performance)
Ray Casting (Appel, 1968)
- a simple version version of ray tracing
- 发射光线 -> 获得交点 -> 计算光源贡献
ray = rayThruPixel(cam, i, j)
hit = Intersect(ray, scene) //瓶颈
image[i][j] = findColor(hit)
- 不考虑阴影,反射
- 只考虑 direct illumination
GradNet (2019 SIGGRAPH)
- 去噪
- Gradient-domain Rendering: Off-path 计算梯度
- 主图+两张梯度图去噪:优化方程
- 增加约束项:速度慢 -> 用网络模拟过程
- Deep learning based, unsupervised, fast to reconstruct high-quality image
Deep Shading (EGST 2007)
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- U-net
Deep Illumination (arXiv)
2019 年图灵奖
- Edwin Catmull
- Z-buffering
- Texture mapping
- Catmull-Clark subdivision
- Patrick Hanrahan
- Volume rendering
- Subsurface scattering
- Light Field rendering
- Tableau
- 1995 玩具总动员
- RenderMan