Associated to any isolated physical system is a complex vector space with inner product known as state space of the system. The system is completely describled by its state vector/density operator, which is a unit vector in the systems state
state vector: $|\psi_i\rangle$
density operator: $\rho=\sum_ip_i|\psi_i\rangle\langle\psi_i|$
The evolution of a closed quantum system is described by a unitary transformation
$\rho’=U\rho U^\dagger$
Quantum measuerments are described by a collection ${M_m}$ of measurement operator ($m$ is number of possible outcome).
measurement operator: $\sum_mM_m^\dagger M_m=I$
$M_0=|0\rangle\langle 0|,M_1=|1\rangle\langle 1|$
not unitary
$P(m)=\langle\psi|M_m^\dagger M_m|\psi\rangle$
state after the measurement: $\frac{M_m|\psi\rangle}{\sqrt{\langle\psi|M_m^\dagger M|\psi\rangle}}$
state after the measurement: $\frac{M_m\rho M_m^\dagger}{\text{Tr}(M_m^\dagger M_m\rho)}$
The state space of a composite physical system is the tensor prorduct of the state spaces of the component physical systems.
state vector coefficient $e^{i\theta}|\psi\rangle$: global phase, nonsense in physics
relative phase: meaningful
Theroem(Distinguishing Quantum States): there is measurement distinguishing two states perfectly iif $|\psi_1\rangle$ and $|\psi_2\rangle$ are orthogonal
Principle of deferred measurement: Measurement can always be moved from an intermediate state of a quantum circuit to the end of the circuit
Principle of implicit measurement: Without loss of generality, any unterminated quantum wires (qubits which are not measured) at the end of a quantum circuit may be assumed to be measured