- 自然数的集合论定义:
- $a^+:=a\cup{a}$
- 归纳集
- $\emptyset\in A$
- $\forall a(a\in A\rightarrow a^+\in A)$
- $\mathbb{N}$ 为所有归纳集之交
- Peano 结构
- $e\in S$
- $\forall a\in S,f(a)\in S$
- $\forall b\in S,\forall c\in S,f(b)=f(c)\rightarrow b=c$
- $\forall a\in S,f(a)\not= e$
- $\forall A\subseteq S, (e\in A\wedge(\forall a\in A)(f(a)\in A))\rightarrow A=S$
- 良序公理与数学归纳法原理等价
- 带余除法: $a=bq+r,b>0,0\leq r<b$
- 存在性证明:良序公理
- 唯一性证明
- 整除及其性质
- $a|b,a|c\Rightarrow a|nb+mc$
- 最大公因子 (hcf/gcd)
- 裴蜀定理:$\gcd(a,b)=ar+bs$
- 证明:良序公理+带余除法
- Strong Duality for GCD: $\max{d_i:d\in\mathbb{Z},d|a,d|b}=\min{ax+by:x\in\mathbb{Z},y\in\mathbb{Z},ax+by>0}$
- 证明
- $d|s,s|d$
- Weak Duality + $\exists$
- 唯一性证明
- 证明
- $\text{lcm}(a,b)\gcd(a,b)=ab$
- 证明
- Isomorphism Theorem
- Unique Factorization
- $d|(a,b)\Leftrightarrow d|\frac{ab}{[a,b]}$
- $(a,b,c)[a,b,c]=\frac{abc}{[(a,b),(b,c),(c,a)]}$
- $[a,b,c]=\frac{abc(a,b,c)}{(a,b)(a,c)(b,c)}$
- 证明
- $\gcd(a,b,c)=\gcd(\gcd(a,b),c)$
- 裴蜀定理:$\gcd(a,b)=ar+bs$
- 质数
- $\pi(x)\sim\frac{x}{\ln{x}}$
- 无限质数证明
- $P=p_1p_2\cdots p_n+1$
- Fermat Numer $F_n=2^{2^n}+1$ 两两互素
- $F_n-2=\prod_{k=1}^{n-1}F_k$
- Mersenne Number $2^p-1$
- $2^p\equiv 1\pmod{q}\Rightarrow p|q-1$
- Dirichlet’s Theorem: $\gcd(a,m)=1$ then there are infinitely many primes $p,p\equiv a\pmod{m}$
- 筛法求素数
- 算术基本定理
- 存在性证明:良序公理(找不满足中最小的)
- 唯一性证明:$1\rightarrow n$
- $\varphi(n)=n\prod_{p|n}(1-\frac{1}{p}),p$ is prime
- $\varphi(p)=p-1$
- $\varphi(n)>\frac{n}{e^\gamma\ln\ln n+\frac{3}{\ln\ln n}},\gamma=0.577$
- Additivie group module n: $(\mathbb{Z}_n,+_n)$
- $\langle a\rangle=\langle (a,n)\rangle$
- $|\langle a\rangle|=\frac{n}{(a,n)}$
- $\langle a\rangle=\langle (a,n)\rangle$
- Multiplicative group module n: $(\mathbb{Z}_n^*,\cdot_n)$
- $\text{ord}(a)$: the smallest possible integer that $a^{(t)}=e$
- $\text{ord}(a)=|\langle a\rangle|$
- Primitive root: $a,\text{ord}_m(a)=\varphi(m)$
- Number: if exists, $\varphi(\varphi(m))$
- Euler’s Theorem: $a^\varphi(n)\equiv 1\pmod{n}$
- Fermat’s Theorem: $a^{p-1}\equiv1\pmod{p}$
- Wilson Theorem: $(p-1)!\equiv -1\pmod{p}\iff p$ is prime
- $\text{ord}(a)$: the smallest possible integer that $a^{(t)}=e$
- quadratic residue
- $a$ is quadratic residue $x^2=a\pmod{p}$ has a solution for $x$
- $\frac{p-1}{2}$ quadratic residues for $p$
- Legendre symbol $(\frac{a}{p})=1$ if $a$ is a quadratic residue otherwise $-1$
- $(\frac{a}{p})\equiv a^{(p-1)/2}\pmod{p}$
Modular linear equations
- $ax\equiv b\pmod{n}$
- 有解:$d=\gcd(a,n)|b$
- 求解:
- $ax+bn=d$
- $x_0=\frac{xb}{d}$
- $x_1=x_0+i\frac{n}{d},i=0,\cdots,n-1$
CRT (The Chinese remainder theorem)
- $n=n_1n_2\cdots n_k$, where $n_i$ are pairwise relatively prime, then we have mapping $a\leftrightarrow(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_k)$, for $\cdot=+/-/*$, we have $(a\cdot b)\pmod{n}\leftrightarrow ((a_1\cdot b\pmod{n_1},\cdots,(a_k\cdot b_k)\pmod{n_k}))$
- $\rightarrow$: direct
- $\leftarrow$
- $m_i=\frac{n}{n_i}$
- $a\equiv(\sum_{i=1}^ka_im_i(m_i^{-1}\pmod{n_i}))\pmod{n}$
- 一般同余方程
- 法一:
- 有解:$a_i\equiv a_j \pmod{(n_i,n_j)}$
- 先拆后合(相同或倍数)
- $x\equiv a\pmod{n_i}\iff x\equiv C\pmod{[n_1,\cdots,n_k]}$
- 法二:
- 两两合并
- 法一:
- 简化计算:
- $2^{300}\bmod 319$
- $319=11*29$ + CRT
- model: multplying two $\beta$-bit integers take $\Theta(\beta^2)$ bit operations
Euclid Algorithm
int ext_gcd(int a, int b, int &x, int &y){
if (b==0) {
x = 1; y = 0;
return a;
} else {
int ret = ext_gcd(b,a%b,y,x);
y -= x*(a/b);
return ret;
- $a>b\geq 1$ and Euclid(a,b) performs $k\geq 1$ recursive calls, then $a\geq F_{k+2},b\geq F_{k+1}$
- 证明:$a\geq b+(a\bmod b)$
- Lame’s Theorem: $k\geq 1,a>b\geq 1,b<F_{k+1}$ then Euclid makes fewer than $k$ recursive calls
- $F_k\sim\frac{\phi^k}{\sqrt{5}},\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$
- $O(\lg b)$
Modular Exponentiation
int fp(int a, int b, int mod){
int c = 1;
for (;b;b>>=1,a=1ll*a*a%mod)
if (b&1) c=1ll*c*a%mod;
return c%mod;
Primality Testing
- trial division: $\Theta{\sqrt{n}}$
- Pseudoprimality testing:
- base-$a$ pseudoprime: $a^{n-1}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$
- Carmichael numbers: $\forall a\in\mathbb{Z}_n^*,a^{n-1}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$
- Algorithm: return MODULAR-EXPONENTIATION(2,n-1,n)$\equiv 1\pmod{n}$
- Miller-Rabin randomized primality test
- $x^2\equiv 1\pmod{p^e}$
- $O(s\beta^3)$
- $n$ is an odd composite number, then the number of witnesses to the compositeness of n is at least $\frac{n-1}{2}$
- $P(\text{MILLER-RABIN errs})<2^{-s}$
- $P(\text{prime}|\text{RETURN prime})>0.5$ if $s>\lg(\ln n-1)$
- applicable: $s=50$
LL multimod(LL a, LL b, LL mod) {
a %= mod;
b %= mod;
LL res = 0;
while (b) {
if (b & 1) {
res += a;
if (res >= mod) res -= mod;
b >>= 1;
a <<= 1;
if (a >= mod) a -= mod;
return res;
bool witness(LL s, LL n) {
LL u = n - 1, t = 0;
while ((u & 1) == 0 && u != 0) u >>= 1, t++;
LL x = fp(s, u, n), tmp;
while (t--) {
tmp = x;
x = multimod(x, x, n);
if (x == 1 && tmp != n - 1 && tmp != 1) return true;
if (x != 1)
return true;
return false;
bool millerrabin(LL n, const int times = 3) {
if (n == 2) return true;
if ((n & 1) == 0 || n < 2) return false;
int i = times;
while (i--) {
LL x = random(2, n - 1);
if (witness(x, n)) return false;
return true;
Integer factorization
- Trial division $R\rightarrow R^2$
- Pollard’s rho heuristic $R\rightarrow R^4$
- initial: $x_1=\text{random}(0,n-1),y=x_1,k=2$
- Loop
- $x_i=x_{i-1}^2\pmod{n}$
- if $\gcd(y-x_i,n)\not=1/n$ finded
- if $i==k$
- $y=x_i$
- $k=2k$
Private Key Crypotography
- affine cryptosystem: $f(p)=ap+b\pmod{n}$
- polyalphabetic crypotosystem
- German ADFGVX Field Cipher
- Kerckhoffs’s principle
Public Key Crypotography
- $f^{-1}$ must be difficult to compute
- Self $P,D$
- Others $P’,D'$
- Message $M$
- 公钥加密
- encoding with $P’$: $P’(M)$ -> send
- receive -> decoding with $D’(P’(M))$
- 数字签名
- signing with $D$: $M’=M+D(M)$
- (encrypt and) send -> receive (and decode)
- verifying $M=P(D(M))$
- $n=pq$
- $(E,\varphi(n))=1$
- $DE\equiv 1\pmod{\varphi(n)}$
- public: $(n,E)$
- secret: $(n,D)$
- encoding: $y=x^E\bmod n$
- decoding: $x=y^D\bmod n$
- DH(Deffie-Hellman)
- $a$: small prime
- $p$: large prime
- Agent a: $(X_a,Y_a=a^{X_a}\bmod p)$
- Agent b: $(X_b,Y_b=a^{X_b}\bmod p)$
- secret key: $K=Y_b^{X_a}\bmod p= Y_a^{X_b}\bmod p$
- Attack
- Small $e$ Attack: $e=3,d$ obtained
- Result: $p,q$ leaks
- $ed=1+k\varphi(n),k\in\mathbb{Z},k<\min{e,d}$
- Common Modulus Attack: $(e_i,e_j)=1$
- Result: if message decoded both sent, original message can be recovered
- $M=E^xF^y\pmod{n},e_1x+e_2y=1$
- Small $e$ Attack: $e=3,d$ obtained