- Graph $G=(V,E)$
- order $|V|$
- incident $u\sim v$: u and v are neighbors
- walk $W = (u=v_0, v_1, \dots, v_k = v)$
- open walk: $u\neq v$
- closed walk: $u=v$
- trail: $u$-$v$ walk in which no edge is traversed more than once
- circuit: a closed trial of length 3 or more
- path: $u$-$v$ walk in which no vertices are repeated
- cycle: a circuit that repeats no vertex, except for the first and last
- walk $W = (u=v_0, v_1, \dots, v_k = v)$
- connected: $\exists$ $u$-$v$ path
- distance $d(u,v)$: exists smallest $u$-$v$ path $P=(u=v_0,\dots,v_k=v)$
- geodesic $u$-$v$ of length $d(u,v)$
- diamemter $\text{diam}(G)=\max_{u,v}(d(u,v))$
- subgraph
- proper $G’=(V’,E’),V’\subsetneq V$ or $E’\subsetneq E$
- spanning $G’=(V,E’),E’\subseteq E$
- induced $G’=(V’,E’)$: $\forall u,v\in V’,$ if $uv\in E$, then $uv\in E'$
- edge-induced
- component: 最大连通子图
- Common Graphs
- trivial graph: $|V|=1$
- $P_n$ : path (graph)
- $C_n$: circle (graph)
- $K_n$ : complete graph
- bipartite graph: contains no odd cycle
- $K_{s,t}$: complete bipartite graph
- $K_{1,t}$ or $K_{s,1}$: star
- k-partite graph
- $K_{i_1,\dots,i_k}$: complete k-partite graph
- n-cubes (hypercubes): $Q_n = Q_{n-1} \times K_2$, $Q_1 = K_2$
- Operation
- Complement: $\overline{G}=(V,K_n-E)$
- Union: $G_1 \cup G_2=(V_1\cup V_2,E_1\cup E_2)$
- Join: $G+H=(V_1\cup V_2, E_1\cup E_2\cup (V_1\times V_2))$
- Cartesian product $G\times H=(V(G)\times V(H),E’),((u,v),(x,y))\in E’$ if $u=x,vy\in E(H)$ or $v=y,ux\in E$
- multigraph: $E$ is a multiset
- parallel edges: join the same pair of vertices
- pseudograph: $(u,u)\in E$
- oriented graph: if $(u,v)\in E$, $(v,u)\notin E$
- oritentation of G
- Storage
- adjacent matrix
- edge set(可以链式前向星实现)
- digraph (directed graph): $(v,u)\neq (u,v)$
- $(u,v)$: $u$ adjacent to $v$, $v$ adjacent from $u$
- symmetric: $(u,v)\in E\iff(v,u)\in E$
- underlying graph: replace direction and parallel edges
- tournament: orientation of complete graph
- transitive: $(u,v),(v,w)\in T,(u,w)\in T$
- every tournament contains a Hamiltonian path
- Hamiltonian iff strong
- weakly connected: underlying graph is connected
- strongly connected: $\forall u,v,\exists P$ from $u$ to $v$ and vice versa
- strongly connected component (SCC)
- Semiconnected Digraph: $u\sim v$ or $v\sim u$
- Toposort + edges $(v_i,v_{i+1})$ exsits
- isomorphic $G\cong H$: $\exists$ 1-1 $\phi:V(G)\rightarrow V(H)$ such that $uv\in E(G)\Rightarrow\phi(u)\phi(v)\in E(H)$
- self-complementary: $G \cong \overline G$
- isomorphism is an equivalence relation of the set of all graphs
- automorphism: isomorphism from $G$ to $G$
- $\text{Aut}(H)$: automorphism group of $G$ (under composition)
- $u$ and $v$ are similar: they are in same orbit
- vertex-transitive: $G$ contains a single orbit
- Frucht’s Theorem: For every finite group $A$, there exists a graph $G$ such that $\text{Aut}(G)$ is isomorphic to $A$
- recognizable: a parameter of $G$ can be determined from $G-v,v\in V(G)$
- $|V|$
- $|E|$ for $|V|\geq3$
- degree sequence for $|V|\geq 3$
- reconstructible: $G$ can be uniquely determined (up to isomorphism) from subgraphs $G-v_i$
- Reconstruction Conjecture: $G$ is reconstructible for $|V|\geq 3$
- bridge $e$: $G$ is connected, $G-{e}$ is disconnected
- bridge $\iff$ $!\exists n, C_n\subseteq G, e\in C_n$
- nontrivial connected graph has a strong orientation $\iff$ no bridges in $G$
- acyclic graph(forests): $!\exists n,C_n\subseteq G$
- tree: acyclic graph + connected
- spanning tree of G
- cycle property
- cut property
- weight: $w(H)=sum_{e\in E(H)}w(e)$
- Kruskal’s Algorithm: $O(E\lg V)$
sort G.E # into nondecreasing order by weight
for e in E:
if find_set(u) != find_set(v):
ans += {u,v}
- Prim’s Algorithm: $O(E + V\lg V)$
for u in G.V:
u.key = inf
u.pi = NIL
s.key = 0
Q = G.V
while Q:
u = Extract_Min(Q)
for v in G.Adj[u]:
if v in Q and w(u,v) < v.key:
v.pi = u
v.key = w(u,v)
- Carley’s Theorem: the spanning tree of $K_n$ of order n is $n^{n-2}$
- Matrix Tree Theorem: The spanning tree of an arbitrary graph is any cofactor of matrix
$$ C=\left[\begin{matrix} \deg v_1 & -a_{12} & … & -a_{1n}\newline -a_{21} & \deg v_2 & … & -a_{2n}\newline \vdots & \vdots & \ldots & \vdots\newline -a_{n1} & -a_{n2} & … & \deg v_n \end{matrix}\right] $$
- $\deg v=|{u:u\sim v}|=N(v)$
- isolated vertex: $\deg v=0$
- end-vertex(leaf): $\deg v=1$
- $\delta(G)=\min_{v\in G}(\deg v)$
- $\Delta(G)=\max_{v\in G}(\deg v)$
- The First Theorem of Graph Theory: $\sum_{v\in V(G)} deg(v) = 2|E|$
- $r$-regular graph: $\delta(G) = \Delta(G) = r$
- $r$-regular graph of order $n$ exists iff at least one of $r$ and $n$ is even ($H_{r,n}$: Harary graphs)
- cubic graph(3-regular graph): $K_4, K_{3,3}, Q_3$, Petersen graph
- degree sequence: non-increasing
- graphical: finite and can be a degree sequence
- Havel-Hakimi Theorem: non-increaing sequence $s:d_1,d_2,…,d_n$ where $d_1\geq 1$ is graphical iff $s_1:d_2-1,d_3-1,…,d_{d_1+1}-1,d_{d_1+2},…,d_n$ is graphical.
- irregular graph: $\forall u,v\in V,\deg u\neq \deg v$
- The Party Theorem: At any party, there is a pair of people who have the same number of friends present
- No nontrivial graph is irregular
- $F$-degree of $v$: number of copies of $F$ in $G$ contain $v$
- $G$ contain $m$ copies of $F$, then $\sum_{u\in V(G)}\deg_F v =km$
- $F$-(ir)regular
- adjacency matrix $A$: $V\times V$
- incidence matrix $B$: $V\times B$
- cut-vertex: $G$ is connected and $G-{v}$ is disconnected
- nonseparable graph (biconnected): a nontrivial connected graph with no cut-vertices
- block (bicomponent)
- maximal nonseparable subgraph of $G$
- equivalence class defined by $R, e R f$ if $e,f$ lie on a common cycle
- vertex-cut: a set $U$ of vertices of $G$ such that $G-U$ is disconnected
- minimum vertex-cut
- vertex-connectivity: $\kappa(G)=\min|U|,G-U$ disconnected
- equals $\max_{u\sim v}|{\text{disjoint u-v path}}|$
- $k$-connected: $\kappa(G)\geq k$
- $2$-connected: no vertex-cut
- edge-cut: $G$ is connected and $G-{e}$ is disconnected
- minimum edge-cut
- edge-connectivity: $\lambda(G)$
- $k$-edge-connected
- $\kappa(G)\leq\lambda(G)\leq\delta(G)$
- cubic graph: $\kappa(G)=\lambda(G)$
Menger’s Theorem
- $u$-$v$ separating set $S$: $u\not\sim v$ and belong to seperate components of $G-S$
- minimum $u$-$v$ separating set
- internal vertex of $u$-$v$ path $P$: $w\in P,w\neq v,w\neq u$
- internally disjoint paths: A collection of u-v paths that every two of them have no vertices in common other than u and v
- Menger’s Theorem: minimum cardinality of $u$-$v$ separating set = maximum number of internally disjoint $u$-$v$ paths in G
- induction on the size of graph, discussion on the property of separating set
- Whitney’s Theorem: $k$-connected $\iff\forall u,v$ there are at least $k$ internally disjoint $u$-$v$ paths
- Eulerian circuit: a circuit contains every edge of G
- Eulerian graph: graph G contians an Eulerian circuit
- A nontrivial connected graph G is Eulerian iff every vertex of G has even degree
- (directed) $\text{od} v=\text{id} u$
- Eulerian trail: an open trail that contains every edge of G
- $K\ddot{o}nigsberg$ Bridge Problem
- A connected graph G contains an Eulerian trail iff exactly two vertices of G have odd degree.
- Hamiltonian cycle: a cycle in a graph $G$ that contains every vertex of $G$
- Hamiltonian graph
- Hamiltonian path: a path in $G$ contains every vertex of $G$
- $k(G)$: number of components in G
- (neccessary) Hamiltonian Graph: $\forall S,k(G-S)\leq|S|$
- (sufficient) $n\geq3,\forall u\not\sim v,\deg u+\deg v\geq n$, then $G$ is Hamiltonian
- closure $C(G)$: the graph obtained from $G$(order $n$) by recursively joining pairs of nonadjacent vertices whose degree sum $\geq n$ until no such pair remains
- (neccessary) Hamiltonian Graph: $C(G)$ is Hamiltonian
- BFS: $\Theta(V+E)$
for u in vertices:
u.pi = NIL
u.visited = False
s.visited = True
Q = {s}
while Q:
u = Q.pop()
for v in G.Adj[u]:
if not u.visitied:
v.pi = u
v.visited = True
- DFS: $\Theta(V+E)$
# all colored white
def dfs(u):
u.visited = True
# color gray
for v in G.Adj[v]:
if not v.visited:
v.pi = u
v.visited = True
# color black
- DFS properties
- Parenthesis theorem
- Nesting of descendant’s intervals
- White-path theorem
- Classification of Edges
- Tree edge: edge in $G_\pi$ (white)
- Back edge: ancestor (gray)
- Forward edge: descendant (black)
- Cross edge (black)
- There is no Forward edges and Cross edge in undirected graphs
- directed acyclic graph(DAG): no back edge
- Toposort on dag: sort vertices in descending order of their finish times
- component graph: dag of its SCCs
- Kosaraju’s Algorithm: $\Theta(V+E)$
dfs(G) # compute u.f for each vertex u
dfs(G^T) # in order of decreasing u.f in main loop
# SCC is trees in depth-first forest
- Tarjan’s Algorithm: $\Theta(V+E)$
- cut-vertex(undirected): $\exists v$ son of $u$, low[v] $\geq$ dnf[u]
- bridge(undirected): $\exists v$ son of $u$, low[v] > dnf[u]
- directed: SCC
def tarjan_dfs(u):
t += 1
dfn[u] = low[u] = t
for v in G.Adj[u]:
if not v.visited:
low[u] = min(low[u], low[v])
elif v in Stack:
low[u] = min(low[u], dfn[v])
if dfn[u] == low[u]:
while v !=
- distance
- positive
- reflexivity
- symmetric
- triangle inequatity
- metric space: $(V(G), d)$
- eccentricity: $e(v)=\max_{u\in V(G)}d(u,v)$
- radius: $\text{rad}(G)=min_{v\in V(G)}e(v)$
- center: $Cen(G)={v:e(v)=\text{rad}(G)}$
- self-centered: $Cen(G) = G$
- center is subgraph of block
- center: $Cen(G)={v:e(v)=\text{rad}(G)}$
- diameter: $\text{diam}(G)=max_{v\in V(G)}e(v)$
- periphery: $Per(G)={v:e(v)=\text{diam}(G)}$
- $\text{rad}(G)\leq \text{diam}(G) \leq 2\text{rad}(G)$
- eccentric vertex of $u={v:d(u,v)=e(u)}$
- $Ecc(G)={v:\exists u,d(u,v)=e(u)}$
- boundary vertex of a vertex $u={v:\forall w\sim v,d(u,w)\leq d(u,v)}$
- peripheral $\Rightarrow$ eccentric $\Rightarrow$ boundary
- complete vertex (extrem or simplicial vertex): the subgraph of G induced by the neighbors of v is complete
- complete $\Rightarrow$ boundary
- interior vertex: $\forall u, \exists w, d(u,w)=d(u,v)+d(v,w)$
- $Int(G)$: subgraph induced by interior vertices
- boundary $\Rightarrow$ not interior (connected graph)
Shortest Path
- simple path -> path
- path -> walk
- in DAG or only positive edges: path = simple path
- shortest path: walk
- single source shortest path(sssp):
- all pair shortest path(assp)
- longest path: simple path, NP
- relaxation
def relax(u,v,w):
if v.d > u.d + w(u,v):
v.d = u.d + w(u,v)
v.pi = u
- Properties
- Triangle inequality
- Upper-bound property
- No-path property
- Convergence property
- Path-relaxation property
- Predecessor-subgraph property
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm: $\Theta(VE)$
s.d = 0
for i in range(|G.V|):
for e in G.E:
relax(e.u, e.v, w)
for i in range(|G.V|):
if v.d > u.d + w(u,v):
return False
return True
- DAG shortest path: $\Theta(V+E)$
- critical path: longest path through dag
for u in G.topo:
for v in G.Adj[u]:
- Dijkstra Algorithm: all edges are nonnegative
- Array: $O(V^2)$
- Min-heap: $O(E\lg V)$ for sparse graph $E=o(\frac{V^2}{\lg V})$
- Fib-heap: $O(E+V\lg V)$
Q = G.V
while Q:
u = Extract_Min(Q)
for v in G.Adj[u]:
relax(u, v, w)
- matrix multiplication and repeated squaring: $\Theta(n^3\lg n)$
- Floyed-Warshall Algorithm: $\Theta(V^3)$
- dynamic programming on first $k$ vertices as intermediate vertices
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], d[i][k] + d[k][j])
- Johnson’s Algorithm: $\Theta(V^2\lg V+VE)$
- reweighting: $\hat \omega(u,v)=\omega(u,v)+h(u)-h(v)$
- independent set(matching) $F$: $\forall e_1,e_2\in F,e_1\cap e_2=\emptyset$
- Theorem: partite graph $G$ has partite sets $U$ and $W$ such that $r=|U|\leq|W|$. Then $G$ contains a matching of cardinality $r$ iff $G$ satisfies Hall’s condition.
- $N(X)={v:\exists u\in X,u\sim v}$
- Hall’s condition: $\forall X\neq \emptyset, X\subseteq U,|N(X)|\geq|X|$
- equivalent
- a system of distinct representatives
- marriage theory
- Hungarian algorithm: $O(VE)$
- alternate path: unmatched edge - matched edge - unmatched edge - $\cdots$ - unmatched edge
- argumentation path: alternate path covering unmatched vertex
- perfect matching: a graph of order $2k$ has a matching $M$ of cardinality $k$
- Every $r$-regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching
- edge independence number(maximum matching): $\alpha’(G)=\max |M|$
- edge covering number $\beta’(G)=$ cardinality of minimum edge cover
- cover: a vertex and an incident edge are said to cover each other
- edge cover: a set of edges of G that covers all vertices of G
- vertice independence number $\alpha(G)$: maximum cardinality of an independent set of vertices in G
- vertice independence: no two vertices in the set are adjacent
- maximum independent set
- vertex covering number $\beta(G)$
- Gallai Identity: $\forall G,|G|=n$, containing no isolated vertices, $\alpha’(G)+\beta’(G)=n, \alpha(G)+\beta(G)=n$
- Konig Theorem: bipartite graph $G$ has $\alpha’(G)=\beta(G),\alpha(G)=\beta’(G)$
- Flow network: $G=(V,E)$
- Capacity constraint: $\forall u,v\in V$, we require $0\leq f(u,v)\leq c(u,v)$
- Flow conservation: $\forall u\in V-{s,t}$, $\sum_{v\in V}f(v,u)=\sum_{v\in V}f(u,v)$
- special cases
- antiparallel edges: split
- multiple sources and sinks: add source or sink
- flow: $|f(u,v)|=\sum_{v\in V}f(s,v)-\sum_{v\in V}f(v,s)$
- net flow: $f(S,T)=\sum_{u\in S}\sum_{v\in T}f(u,v)-\sum_{u\in S}\sum_{v\in T}f(v,u)$
- capacity of cut: $c(S,T)=\sum_{u\in S}\sum_{v\in T}c(u,v)$
- Max-flow Min-cut Theorem: The maximum flow $=$ the minimum cut capacity
- Ford-Fulkerson Method
- residual networks $G_f$: $E_f={(u,v)\in V\times V:c_f(u,v)>0}$ $$c_f(u,v)=\begin{cases}c(u,v)-f(u,v) & (u,v)\in E\newline f(v,u) & (v,u)\in E \newline 0 & o.w.\end{cases}$$
- augmentation: $f’$ is flow of residual network, if $(u,v)\in E$, $(f\uparrow f’)(u,v)=f(u,v)+f’(u,v)-f’(v,u)$
- $|f\uparrow f’|=|f|+|f’|$
- augmentation path: simple path from $s$ to $t$ in residual network
# initial flow f to 0
while augmenting_path in residual_network:
return f
- Basic Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm: $O(|f^*|E)$ arbitrary with integer
while augmenting_path in residual_network:
c_f(p) = min([c_f(u,v) for (u,v) in p])
for (u,v) in p:
if (u,v) in E
(u,v).f += c_f(p)
(v,u).f -= c_f(p)
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm: $O(VE^2)$
- search augmenting path by BFS in residual network, where each edge has unit distance
- Push-relabeled algorithms: $O(V^2E)$
- relabel-to-front algorithm: $O(V^3)$
- $k_o(G)$: number of odd components of $G$
- factor $F$: spanning subgraph of $G$
- factorable: $E(G)=\bigsqcup_{i=1}^{k}E(F_i)$
- $F$-factorable: factorable and $F_i\cong F$
- $r$-factorable: factorable and $F_i$ is $r$-regular graph
- $1$-factorable: perfect matching
- Tutte’s Theorem: $\forall S\in V(G),k_0(G-S)\leq|S|$, then $G$ contains a $1$-factor
- Petersen’s Theorem: Every 3-regular bridgeless graph contains a 1-factor
- Every $r$-regular bipartite graph is $1$-factorable
- $2$-factorable: cyclic factorization
- $G$ is 2-factorable iff $G$ is $r$-regular, $r$ is positive even integer
- Hamiltonian-factorization
- $\forall k\geq1$, $K_{2k+1}$ is Hamiltonian-factorable
- $\forall k\geq1$, $K_{2k}$ can be factored into $k-1$ Hamiltonian-cycles and a $1$-factor
- Kirkman’s Schoolgirl Problem: Is there a $5K_3$-factorization of $K_{15}$
- decomposable: $E(G)=\bigsqcup_{i=1}^{k}E(H_i)$
- if $H$ is spanning subgraph, then it is factorization
- $H$-decomposable: $H_i\cong H$
- graceful labeling $f:V(G)\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}_m$:
- one-to-one
- $f’(e)=|f(u)-f(v)|$ is one-to-one.
- graceful graph: $G$ possessing a graceful labeling
- Conjecture: Every tree is graceful
- girth: $\min_{C_n\subseteq G} n$
- $g$-cage: minimal 3-regular graph that has girth $g\geq3$
- $g=3,K_4$
- $g=4,K_{3,3}$
- $g=5$ Petersen
- $g=6$ Heawoo
- $g=7$ McGee
- $g=8$ Tutte-Coxeter
- $g\leq8$, the g-cages are all sole
- plane graph: $G$ is drawed on(embeded into) a plane with no edge crossing
- regions $R$: connected area divied by plane graph
- exterior regions: a region without bounding
- boundary of $R$: subgraph corresponding to a region
- planar graph: $\exists P$ is a plane graph, $G\cong P$
- Euler Identity: a connected plane graph of order n, number of edge m and r regions, $n-m+r=2$
- a planar graph of order $n\geq3$ then $m\leq3n-6$ ($2m\geq3r$)
- every planar graph contains a vertex of degree $5$ or less
- maximal planar: planar but any addition of an edge results in nonplanar graph
- Kuratowski Theorem: G is planar $\iff$ it does not contain a subgraph of $K_5,K_{3,3}$ or subdivision of $K_5, K_{3,3}$
- subdivision: inserting vertex of degree 2 into $G$
- $S_k$ surface of genus $k$: a surface with $k$ handle
- $S_0$: sphere
- planar graph can be embedded into a sphere
- $S_1$: torus
- $S_0$: sphere
- $\gamma(G)$: minimal integer $k$ that $G$ can be embedded into $S_k$
- $A$ and $A’$ are in the same region if there is a line connecting there without crossing edges or vertices of $G$
- 2-cell embedding: every region is 2-cell embedding
- 2-cell: a region in which any closed curves can shrink into a node continuously
- Theorem: If $G$ is 2-cell embedded into $S_k$ then $n-m+r=2-2k$
- $n\geq3,\gamma(G)\geq\frac{m}{6}-\frac{n}{2}+1$
- $\gamma(K_n)=\lceil\frac{(n-3)(n-4)}{12}\rceil$
- $G’$ is got from $G$ by contracting edge $e$ (or identifying the vertices u,v)
- minor: $H$ can be got be a series of edge contraction from $G$
- $G$ is a subdivision of $H\Rightarrow H$ is a minor of $G$
- $H$ is a minor of $G\Rightarrow\gamma(H)\leq\gamma(G)$
- Wagner Theorem: $G$ is planar $\iff$ $K_5,K_{3,3}$ is not a minor of $G$
- The Graph Minor Theorem: For any infinite set $S$ of graphs, there are two distinct graph in $S$ that one is a minor of the other
- clique: a complete subgraph of graph
- clique number $\omega(G)$: the largest order of clique in $G$
- $\beta(G)=\omega(\overline G)$
- coloring (proper coloring) $c:V(G)\rightarrow\mathbb{N},\forall u\sim v,c(u)\neq c(v)$
- color class: the independet set division corresponding to a coloring
- $\chi(G)$: chromatic number, the minimal number of color to color G
- $k$-colorable: $\chi(G)\leq k$
- $\chi(G)=1\iff G$ has no edges
- $\chi(G)=2\iff G$ is a nonempty partite graph
- $\chi(C_{2n+1})=3$
- $\chi(G)=4$ for triangle-free graph (Grotzsch graph)
- Four Color Theorem: For every planar graph G, $\chi(G)\leq4$
- $\chi(G)$ inequality
- $\chi(G)\geq\omega(G)$
- $\chi(G)\geq\frac{n}{\beta(G)}$
- $\chi(G)\leq 1+\Delta(G)$
- Brook Theorem: $G$ is odd circle or complete graph, then $\chi(G)\leq \Delta(G)$
- $\chi(G)\leq 1+\max(\delta(H))$, $H$ is all possible induced subgraph
- perfect: $\forall H\subseteq G,\chi(H)=\omega(H)$
- perfect iff complement is perfect
- edge coloring $c:E(G)\rightarrow\mathbb{N},\forall e_1\cap e_2\neq\emptyset,c(e_1)\neq c(e_2)$
- $\chi’(G)$: edge chromatic number(chromatic index)
- Divide $G$ into minimum number of 1-regulation graph
- Vizing Theorem: $\chi’(G)=\Delta G$ or $=\Delta G+1$
- If $m>\frac{(n-1)\Delta G}{2}$ then $\chi’(G)=1+\Delta(G)$
- Konig Theorem: For nonempty partite graph, $\chi’(X)=\Delta(G)$
Ramsey Numbers
- Ramsey’s Theorem: $\forall k+1\geq 3$ positive integers $t,n_1,n_2,\cdots,n_k,\exists n>0,\forall S\subseteq \mathbb{Z}_{n},|S|=t$ is colored with one of $k$ colors, then $\exists S$ containing $n_i$ elements such that every $t$-element subset of $S$ is colored $i$
- ($t=2$) $\forall k\geq 2,n_1,n_2,\cdots,n_k,\exists n>0,E(K_n)$ is colored by $k$ colors that $\exists i$, complete subgraph $K_{n_i}$ is colored $i$
- Ramsey’s number $r(F_1,F_2)$: the smallest positive integer n such that if every edge of Kn is colored red or blue in any manner whatsoever, then either a red F1 or a blue F2 is produced