Dynamic sets
- operations
- Search(S, k)
- Insert(S, x)
- Delete(S, x)
- Min/Max(S)
- Successor(S, x)
- Precessor(S, x)
- data structure augmentation
- choose an underlying data structure
- determine addtional information to maintain
- verify it can be maintained
- develop new operations
- operation
- Insert(S, x)
- Max(S)
- extract_max(S)
- increase_key(S, x, k)
- not good for Search
- Stack
- Queue
- Linked list
- property
- max-heap property: A[Parent(i)]$\geq$A[i]
- procedure
- max-heapify $O(\lg n)$
- build-max-heap $O(n)$
- max-heap-insert/extract/increase $O(\lg n)$
def max_heapify(A, i):
# l, r are already max-heaps
l = 2 * i
r = 2 * i + 1
if l <= A.size and A[l] > A[i]:
largest = l
largest = i
if r <= A.size and A[r] > A[largest]:
largest = r
if largest != i:
swap(A[i], A[largest])
mex_heapify(A, largest)
- m slots store n elements
- hash function: simple uniform hashing
- $h(k)=\lfloor km\rfloor$
- $h(k)=k\bmod m$
- $h(k)=\lfloor m(kA\bmod 1)\rceil$
- universal hashing: $P(h(k)=h(l))\leq\frac{|\mathcal{H}|}{m}$
- $h_{ab}(k)=((ak+b)\bmod p)\bmod m,\mathcal{H}={h_{ab}:a\in\mathbb{Z}^*_p,b\in\mathbb{Z}_p}$
- collision resolution
- chaining $O(1+\frac{n}{m})$ (worst case $\Theta(n)$)
- open addressing
- linear probing
- quadratic probing: $h(k,i)=(h’(k)+c_1i+c_2i^2)\bmod m$
- double hashing: $h(k,i)=(h_1(k)+ih_2(k))\bmod m$
- perfect hashing: two level hashing, $O(1)$
- property: left < root < right
- search, min/max, succ/pre: $O(h)$
void bst_insert(T, z){
y = NULL
x = T.root
while (x){
y = x;
if z.key < x.key
x = x.left
else x = x.right
z.p = y;
if (!y) T.root = z;
else if (z.key < y.key) T.left = z;
else y.right = z;
void bst_delete(T, z){
if (!z.left) transplant(T, z, z.right);
else if (!z.right) transplant(T, z, z.left);
else {
y = bst_min(z.right);
if (y.parent != z){
transplant(T, y, y.right);
y.right = z.right;
y.right.parent = y;
transplant(T, z, y);
y.left = z.left;
y.left.parent = y;
- randomly built BST has expected $h=O(\lg n)$
- $h\leq 2\log_2 (n+1)$
- red-black properties
- node is red(R) or black(B)
- root is black
- leaf(NIL) is black
- red node has black children
- all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes
- rotation
void left_rotate(T, x){
y = x.right;
x.right = y.left;
if y.left != T.nil
y.left.p = x
y.p = x.p
if x.p == T.nil
T.root = y
else if x == x.p.left
x.p.left = y
else x.p.right = y
y.left = x
x.p = y
- Insertion: insert red + fixup(以下父亲为祖父左结点)
- case1: uncle is red
- case2: uncle is black and self is left
- case3: uncle is black and self is right
- Delete: delete + (black) fixup
- case1: sibling is red
- case2: sibling black and has black children
- case3: sibling black and has left red, right black
- case4: sibling black and has right red
- order-static tree: maintain size
- retrieve with a given rank $O(\lg n)$
- determine rank $O(\lg n)$
B 树
- $h\leq \log_t\frac{n+1}{2}$ with minimum degree $t\geq 2$ and $n$ keys
- same examining times for keys
- $\lg t$ less examining times for nodes
- properties
- $k_1\leq x.k_1\leq k_2\leq \cdots\leq x.k_{x.n}\leq k_{x.n}$
- All leaves have the same depth
- Every node other than root has at least $t-1$ keys($t$ children). Every node may have at most $2t$ children. Root has at least 1 key.
- split: $O(t)$
- search/insert/delete: $O(th)$
- B+ tree: 索引仅出现在 leaf,容纳更多索引项
Fibonacci 堆
- Mergeable heaps (amortized)
- Insert $\Theta(1)$
- Decrease $\Theta(1)$
- Union $\Theta(1)$
- Other same to heap
- Fibonacci heap: min-heap ordered (k-ary)
- $\Phi(H)=t(H)+2m(H)$
- $t(H)$: number of trees
- $m(H)$: number of marked nodes (lost a child since the last time it was made the child of another node)
- consolidate: $O(D(n))$
- find two roots of same degree, link the more one to another, until every root has a distinct degree value
- auxiliary array $A[0..D(H.n)]$
- $D(H)=\lfloor\log_\phi n\rfloor=O(\lg n)$
- node with root degree $k$ has size $\geq F_{k+2}$
van Emde Boas Tree (vEB tree)
- dynamic set with values from universe $\mathbb{Z}_u$
- direct addressing
- insert, delete, member: $O(1)$
- min/max, pre/succ: $\Theta(u)$
- superimposing a tree of constrant height: $O(\sqrt{u})$
- shrink with $\sqrt{u}$ gets $O(\lg\lg n)$ (shrink with $2$ gets $O(\lg n)$)
- $T(n)=T(\sqrt{n})+O(1)$ yields $T(n)=O(\lg\lg n)$
- $T(n)=2T(\sqrt{n})+O(1)$ yields $T(n)=O(\lg n\lg\lg n)$
- vEB node
- u: number of elements
- min, max
- summary: point to a vEB($\sqrt{u}$) node keeping bit vector
- cluster: point to $\sqrt{u}$ vEB($\sqrt{u}$)
- vEB tree
- create empty tree: $O(u)$
- operations: $O(\lg \lg n)$
- space: $O(u)$
- linked-list: $\Theta(n^2)$ for union
- Disjoint-set forests: $O(m\alpha(n)),\alpha(7)=2,\alpha(2047)=3,\alpha(16^{512})=4$
- union by rank
- path compression
- 可持久
- Treaps
- 线段树
- Dynamic trees
- Splay trees