- Loop invariants
- Initialization
- Maintenance
- Termination
- cost: 硬件执行一条指令的代价
- times: 指令被执行的次数
- running time
- 计算方法: $T(n)=\sum c_i n_i$
- worst-case running time
- average-case running time (按输入求期望)
- expected running time (任意输入,按程序随机数求期望)
rate(order) of growth
- $\Theta(g(n)) = {f(n):\exists c_1,c_2,n_0,\forall n\geq n_0,0\leq c_1g(n)\leq f(n)\leq c_2g(n)}$
- $O(g(n)) = {f(n):\exists c,n_0,\forall n\geq n_0, f(n)\leq cg(n)}$
- $\Omega(g(n)) = {f(n):\exists c,n_0,\forall n\geq n_0, 0\leq cg(n)\leq f(n)}$
- $o(g(n)) = {f(n):\exists c,n_0,\forall n\geq n_0, 0\leq f(n)< cg(n)}$
- $\omega(g(n)) = {f(n):\exists c,n_0,\forall n\geq n_0, 0<cg(n)\leq f(n)}$
- $\lg(n!)=\Theta(n\lg n)$ (Stirling’s approximation: $n ! =\sqrt{2\pi n})(\frac{n}{e})^n(1+\Theta(\frac{1}{n}))$
- $\lg^*n=\min{i\geq 0:\lg^{(i)}n\leq 1}$
- $F_i=\lfloor \frac{\phi^i}{\sqrt{5}}+\frac{1}{2}\rfloor$
- substitution method
- Guess the form of the solution
- Use mathematical induction to prove
- recursion-tree method
- node represents cost of single subproblem
- master method: $T(n)=aT(\frac{n}{b})+f(n)$
- $\exists \epsilon>0,f(n)=O(n^{\log_ba-\epsilon}),T(n)=\Theta(n^{\log_ba})$
- $f(n)=\Theta(n^{\log_ba}),T(n)=\Theta(n^{\log_ba}\lg n)$
- $\exists \epsilon>0,f(n)=\Omega(n^{\log_ba+\epsilon}),\forall c<1,n>n_0,af(\frac{n}{b})\leq cf(n),T(n)=\Theta(f(n))$
Probalistic analysis
- 平均/期望复杂度分析
- uniform random permutation
- permute-by-sorting
- permute-in-place
- sort: decision-tree model $O(n)$
- amortized cost: average cost of each operation in the worst case
- aggregate analysis
- accounting method: assign amortized cost, credit nonnegative
- potential method: $\hat c_i=c_i+\Phi(D_i)-\Phi(D_{i-1})$