Operating System: Three Easy Pieces 讲义 NJU: 操作系统 - 蒋炎岩
- 单个程序$\rightarrow$ 状态机$(M,R)$
- 分时复用处理器:利用中断$(M,R)$到状态机上
- 分时复用寄存器
- $(M_1,R_1)\rightarrow(M_2,R_2)\rightarrow\cdots$
- 系统调用
- 操作系统为用户进程提供的一组API,通常在内核空间中实现,实现用户进程对操作系统对象/物理硬件访问的请求
- 查看系统调用: strace/dtruss(macos)
- File descriptor: 指向操作系统内对象的指针
- terminal
- The processes belonging to a single command are called a process group or job
- A session is a larger group of processes
- session leader
Name | Feature | Example |
进程状态 | Running,Ready,Blocked | |
fork | 写时复制(COW) | `:(){: |
exec | 不变:pid,fd,DIR,permission,附属终端,信号掩码 | execve(filename, argv, enpv) |
wait | ||
exit | ||
spawn(not exists) | fork代价低、共享中间结果、提供管道 | spawn(path, argv, envp) |
dup(int oldfd) | 复制oldfd | |
dup2(int old, int new) | 关闭newfd, 复制 oldfd 到 newfd | dup2=dup+close+ATOM |
pipe(int pipefd[2]) | pipefd[0] 读口 pipefd[1] 写口 |
if (pipe(fds) != 0) { perror("pipe"); exit(1); }
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); exit(1); }
if (pid == 0) { // child: father out -> child in
dup2(fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]);
} else {
dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]);
metric | Description |
$T_{\text{turnaround}}$ | $T_{\text{completion}}-T_{\text{arrival}}$ |
$T_{\text{response}}$ | $T_{\text{firstrun}}-T_{\text{arrival}}$ |
Fairness |
- Strategy
- $T_{\text{turnaround}}$
- SJF (Shortest Job First)
- STCF (Shortest Time to Complete First)
- $T_{\text{response}}$
- Round Robin
- Multi-Level Feedback Queue(MLFQ)
- Rule 1: Priority(A)>Priority(B) then A runs
- Rule 2: Priority(A)=Priority(B) then A & B runs in round-robin fashion using the time slice
- Rule 3: When a job A enters the system, Priority(A):=MAX
- I/O
- Rule 4: Once a job uses up its time allotment at a given level, its priority is reduced
- avoid gaming
- Rule 5: After some time period S, move all the jobs in the system to the topmost queue
- starvation
- Proportional Share
- lottery scheduling
- Each process has some tickets
- more tickets, higher chance
- ramdomly choose a ticket to run
- Each process has some tickets
- stride scheduling: deterministic
- Each process has value stride and pass
- smaller stride, higher chance
- choose process with least pass to run
- update pass by adding its stride
- Each process has value stride and pass
- Completely Fair Scheduler(CFS in Linux)
- Select one with minimum vruntime
- vruntime = 实际运行时间*1024/权重
- vruntime’s Fair
- 权重(由nice值决定)
- nice 差1,权重相差10%
- -20: 88761
- 19: 15
- 很nice,允许其他任务享有更多CPU时间
- 优先级低
- Select one with minimum vruntime
- lottery scheduling
- Multiprocessor Scheduling
- Single-queue multiprocessor scheduling (SQMS)
- put all jobs that need to be scheduled into a single queue
- Single-queue multiprocessor scheduling (SQMS)
- $T_{\text{turnaround}}$
- Goal: Transparency, Efficiency, Protection
- 虚拟储存 $f(x)\in[0,M)$
- 程序访问虚拟地址 $x$
- 访问物理地址 $f(x)$
- 若 $f(x)=\perp$ 出发 Segmentation Fault
- 实现 $f(x)$
- segmentation
- fine-grained vs. coarse-grained: whether the block is large or not
- external fragmentation prolem: physical memory quickly be- comes full of little holes of free space
- paging
- TLB: translation-lookaside buffer
- manage TLB on a context switch
- flush(empty) it
- ASID(address space identifier)
- replacement policy
- manage TLB on a context switch
- cr3: the current page table
- 每个进程维护自己的页表
- Smaller Tables
- TLB: translation-lookaside buffer
- segmentation
Method | Description |
Bigger Pages | Internal fragmentation |
Paging and Segments | |
Multi-level Pages Tables(PML) | PDE->PTE |
Inverted Page Table(IPT) | |
Swapping page tables to disk | 全局维护 $f(\text{id},x)$ |
API | Remarks |
malloc | returns a pointer to type void (需要额外记录分配信息) |
malloc(strlen(s)+1) |
calloc | void* calloc (size_t num, size_t size); Allocates a block of memory for an array of num elements, each of them size bytes long, and initializes all its bits to zero. |
realloc | void *realloc( void *ptr, size_t new_size ); |
brk/sbrk | manage heap |
mmap | void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); |
操作系统只需要记下这一次mmap操作,并将页面标记为“不存在” | |
malloc 大于M_MMAP_THRESHOLD 则使用mmap |
munmap | |
dlopen |
地址空间 | 内容 |
内核地址空间 | |
vsyscall | 用户空间系统调用,被vdso+vvar替代 |
vdso | 3pages,ro,内核数据 |
vvar | 2pages,rx,调用代码 |
stack | [anon] |
共享库和内存映射 | |
heap | [anon],可不连续 |
bss | [anon] |
data | rw-:a.out |
text | r-x:a.out |
- ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization
- /proc/kallsyms
free-space management
- best-fit
- worst-fit
- first-fit
- next-fit
- segregated lists
- Slab Allocator
- Binary Buddy Allocator
- 启动过程:loader->_start->__libc_start_main->main
- main 之前:->__libc_csu_init->_init
- main 之后:->exit
- GOT: Global Offset Table (Table中存的是地址)
- PLT: Procedure Linkage Table (Table中存的是代码)
- For lazy linking