- abstruseness = elusiveness = opaqueness = arcane = obscureness = obfuscation = esoteric = impentrability = vague = nebulous
- tarnish = stain = blot = blemish = stagmatize = sully
- misconduct = misbehaviour = delinquency
- belie = mask = veil
- vocal = blunt = forthright = candid = candor = rectitude
- retaliate = revenge = retribution = vengeful
- miserly = illiberality = parsimony = stingy
- thrift = frugality = sparing = stinting
- munificent = largesse = unstinting = prodigal - prodigality = squander = profligate
- austere - austerity = ascetic = abstemious = spartan
- banal = trite = prosaic = hackneyed = stale = mediocrity = platitude - platitudinous = philistine
- reticent = taciturn = laconic = reserved = dour
- loquacious = garrulous = volubility
- picky = choosy = demanding = exacting = scathing = particular = meticulous = fastidious = cavil = captious = acerbic = tart = mordancy
- profuse = affluent = opulence = copious = prolific = fecundity = plethora = surfeit = fertility = glut = bountiful = superfluous
- meticulous = punctilious
- astute = cunning = craft = deft = shrewd = canny
- placate - placable - implacable - placatory
- nescent - evanescent = fleeting = ephemeral = transitory - transient = momentary = impermanence
- spurious = specious = artificial = plastic = forged = phony = fake = counterfeit
- exacerate = aggravate = decline = deteriorate = escalate = aggrandize = fester - festering
- alleviate = relieve = lessen = mitigate = assuage = salve = soothe = allay = appease = relent - unrelenting = propitiate = mollify = palliate - palliative = moderate = conciliatory = reassure = solace
- salve = ointment
- unqualified = unalloyed = complete
- vindicate = exonerate = exculprit - exculpatory
- disseminate = disperse = promulgate
- imperturbability - imperturbable = implacable = apathetic - apathy = phlegmatic = nonchalant = unfeeling = impersonality - loth = loath - loathe 讨厌 = hard-boiled
- normalcy - anomaly - anomalous = aberration = singular = peculiar = outlandish
- exhaustive = comprehensive = thorough
- vorocious = avaracious = ravenous = avidity
- elate = revel = exhilarate
- soporific = somnolent - slumber
- lethargy = torpor = languor = sloth
- lethargic = torpid = sluggish = slothful = indolent = dilatory = inert
- enervate = enfeeble = weaken = wane = devitalize = debilitate
- enervated = feeble = weakened = wan = debilitated = emaciated = etiolated = pale
- malaise = malady = ailment = condition = complaint
- uncompromising = intransigent = unyielding = obduracy = obstinate = recalcitrance = pertinacious - pertinacity = opinionated
- sycophancy - sycophantic = obsequiousness = ingratiate
- totemic = emblematic
- transcend = surpass = eclipse
- transcendentalism - materialism - pragmatism
- immaterial = intangible = impalpable
- respite = lull
- exigent = pressing = imminent
- cajole = coax
- mirthful = jovial = gleeful = gratifying = blithe = convivial = cordial (热情友好的) = insourciance = jubilation
- cheerless = gloomy = lugubrious = melancholy - melancholic = dismal = maudlin = grouchy = morose = somber = umbrage
- cutting-edge = advanced = state-of-the-act
- hostility = inimical = antagonistic - antagonism
- quiescent = abeyant
- bootless = feckless = fruitless
- venality = corrupt = bribe = graft
- probity = integrity
- beguile - beguiling = prepossessing = diverting = gripping = tantalizing - tantalize
- pugnacious = truculent = belligerent
- unrivaled = unsurpassed = surpassing = unparalleled = uncomparabled = unexampled = unpowering
- perceptible = discernable
- civility = comity
- rein = manacle = bridle = encumber - unencumber = shackle = stifle = tether
- clement = merciful = lenient 宽宏大量的,仁慈的
- compassionate = commiserate
- condign = meet
- tantamount = equivalent
- tenacity - tenacious
- sympathetic - unsympathetic
- ratify - ratification
- ramification = branch
- denunciation - denounce
- predicament = dilemma = stymy
- overshadow = eclipse
- stipulate = institute
- missives = correspondance
- intimate - intimacy
- proximity = vicinity
- allegation = indictment
- undiminished = undamaged
- rumination = meditation
- demolish - demolition = devastation
- perplex = confuse = flummox = bemuse = baffle = fuddle - befuddle
- enamor = elude
- erstwhile = onetime
- surrogate = proxy
- Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupitar - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto
- antipathy = importunate = detestable = odium - odius = repugnant = averse - aversion = abhor
- veracity = factuality
- prickly = thorny
- affliction = plague
- interdependent = interrelated
- delicious = scrumptious = ambrasia = sipid - insipid
- vulgarity = crassness = churlish(暴躁无礼) = cranky = brash(傲慢无礼) - brashness = impertinent - impertinence = gauche = plebeian(平民的,粗俗的) = meretricious
- complaisant = gentility 文雅
- repress = forbore
- unhamper = facilitate
- pellucid = limpid
- comfinement = prison
- ebullient = effusive
- encomium = tribute = approbation - approbatory to = panegyric = acclaim = hail 称赞 = paean 赞歌 = commendation = eulogize
- lunatic = psychotic - psychiatric
- endemic = indigenous - nonindigenous
- fragile - fragility
- disparate = antithesis = dichotomous = diametrical = contested
- disparage = slight = scorn = contempt - contemptuous = disdain = spurn
- proceeding(s): 审判,听证 = lawsuit = litigation
- Constitution
- Amendment
- facetious = comical = droll = burlesque = spoof
- complacent - complacency = supercilious = pretension = pomposity = imperious = hubris = narcissis - narcissistic 自恋 = insolent = vaunt = assuming 傲慢的 unassuming = self-righteous = refractory
- tyranny = autocratic
- subvert - subversive = upend
- equivocal - unequivocally
- opprobrious = revile = rant = obloquy = vituperation
- discreet 谨慎的;不明显的
- discretion 谨慎;自主决定权
- discretionary 自主决定权的
- indiscretion
- mould = mold
- polemical = provoke - provocative = controversial = contention
- reactionary = retroactive - retroactively
- perpetual - perpetuate
- inhospitable to = unsuitable for
- fiasco = debacle = bungle
- wretch - wretched
- bad mouth = calumny = vilify - vilifier = aspersion = slur
- sanguine = rosy
- frivolity - frivolous = flippancy - flippant
- invalue = priceless
- canned = formulaic = stylized
- arduous = strenuous
- impulsive = capricious = fickle
- contingent = circumstantial = fortuitous
- vapid = jejune = bromidic = tedium
- commotion = insurrection = turmoil = riot = revolt
- conflate = incorporate = blend = merge
- newbie = rookie = tyro = novice = neophyte
- compart - compartment - compartmentalize
- origin = provenace
- facile = ingenious
- facile 灵巧的,未经深思熟虑的
- demagogue 煽动者 = seditious = agitate - agitated = instigate
- succumb to = yield to
- emend = revise
- labyrinth = maze
- relic = vestige
- censor - censorship
- censure = reprehend
- purge - expurgate 删除
- dandle = cosset
- impeach 控告,怀疑 - unimpeachable = impregnable
- diminutive = miniscule = minute
- rarefy - rarefied
- inoculate sb against = vaccinate
- wind up = end up
- contagious = infectious
- recount = retold
- invoke = entreat
- wayward = errant
- curiosity = interest = inquisitive
- tortuous = convoluted
- impose - imposition
- overt = avowed
- cede = relinquish
- commence = outset
- serene = halcyon
- charlatan = quackery
- recreant = cowardice = craven
- jar - jarring = strident - stridency
- iracibility = exasperation
- choler - choleric = fractious 易怒的
- bristle 猪毛,发怒 = ire 愤怒 = irk 惹恼
- infuriate
- assail - assialable - unassialable
- surmount - insurmountable
- infringe - infringement
- comport - comportment
- affinity = penchant = predilection
- solemn = sober
- mammoth = gargantuan = enormity = monstrous
- porous = permeable
- unfamiliarity with = ignorance of
- semen - semina - seminal 开创性的
- dissemblence 伪装 = duplicity - duplicitous
- consternation = aghast
- originate 产生 = generate
- posit = postulate
- furtive = surreptitious
- overwrought = fluster
- camouflage = guise
- ignobility
- retrench
- entrench 牢固确立
- trenchant 尖刻的 - trenchency
- treachery
- balk at
- brevity - brief
- competent - competitive
- condescending
- antebellum
- mandate
- futile
- commemoration
- prognosis
- mill 搅拌;乱转
- pith - pithy
- nestling
- stiff
- vivacity
- solicitous
- dispel
- disburse with
- cancer(malignant tumor, leukemia) - myocardial infarction - stroke
- osteoporosis - obesity - psychotic
- disquisition
- disposition
- discourse
- cadge
- pristine
- precocious - precocity
- nocuous - innocuous
- amiable
- gregarious
- dessicant
- puerile
- ostracize
- gingerbread
- sedulous
- coruscate
- conceivable
- advent
- sidereal
- boisterous
- equanimity
- drug, pill, capsule, syrup
- benignant
- agrarian - nomadic
- proceed: v.进展 n. 获利 proceeds
- sarcasm
- adduce
- stagnant
- reciprocity
- tempestuous
- maize - corn - pea - soybean
- adj. as it is
- pedestal
- mainstay
- prophylactic
- metabolism
- consummate
- oracular
- symbiotic
- sway 摆动;影响
- embellish
- dossier
- pancrea 胰腺
- insulin 胰岛素
- glycemia 血糖
- tendentious
- gross - grossly
- seethe (over)
- quotidian
- unnerve
- emancipate A from B
- decry = castigate = excoriate = impugn
- deject
- flagrant
- indemnify
- commandeer
- dissent - dissension
- decadent
- atavistic
- penance
- sententious 简洁精炼的,说教的
- purport to do
- feud 长期不和
- peccadillo
- countenance
- exude
- inattentive
- estrangement
- potence - potency
- tentative
- municipal - municipality 直辖市
- impetuous
- imperative
- nugatory
- agonize
- practitioner
- veteran
- bourgeoisie
- deferential
- invigorate
- in hindsight
- choreograph
- salacious
- vantage
- smallpox 天花
- superstition
- supersede
- reception 接待,感受,反应
- elitism
- collegial
- decidedly 明显的
- drain 排水,负担,消耗
- unsettling 令人不安的
- exuberance
- fade and scramble
- conscientious
- orchard
- congenial
- manifestation
- ethereal 缥缈的
- protract 延长
- inveterate 根深蒂固的
- venerate = deify 尊敬
- foreground 前景,凸显
- precipitate 沉淀,加速,引发,抛出,仓促的
- grandstanding 哗众取宠的
- leaven 加入酵母;使有趣
- effluvium
- stalwart
- calamitous
- exorable - inexorable
- ensue
- foreshadowing 伏笔
- resuscitate 复苏
- dismantle
- buoy 上浮,振作
- garb
- ossification 僵化
- redolent 强烈气味;联想
- solstice
- fete 热情款待
- burke 谋杀
- gravitate
- ardent
- rattle 使慌乱
- relish = savor
- receptivity
- glean
- elevate
- luminary
- versimilitude
- paradigmatic
- yardstick 标准
- disciplines 学科
- transgress 违反
- mercenary 雇佣兵,唯利是图的
- numinous 精神的,神圣的
- invidious 不公平的
- sonorus 浑厚的
- sterling 英镑,优秀的
- stern 严厉的
- stunt 特技,阻碍正常生长
- property - proprietary 私有的
- occupant
- repertoire 全套
- oversee - oversight = superintendent
- incinerate - incinerator
- emulate
- rodent
- dietician
- culinary 烹饪的
- motley 混杂的
- assort - assortment 分类,混合物
- monolithic 完全统一的
- toddle - toddler 蹒跚 = hobble
- discursion
- subtlety 微妙,精明
- efficacious 有效的
- precarious 不稳定的
- inbreed 近亲繁殖
- populist 民粹主义
- populace 民众
- recap - recapitulate
- cerebellum 小脑
- cerebral 脑的,清醒的
- cinch 有把握的事情
- vocalist 歌手
- hark 听
- pretence 借口
- have bearing on sth. 有影响
- overblown
- couch 使躺下,表达
- apocalypse - apocalyptic 世界末日的
- impending 即将发生
- manifesto 宣言
- grieve - grievance 不满
- neologism 新词
- inchoate 早期的,开始
- inception - inceptive 起初
- chasten 惩罚
- hiatus 中断
- wizen 凋谢的
- dehumanize
- borne 承担
- confrontation 对抗
- voter turnout
- flabbergast 哑然失色
- nomenclature 命名法
- sate 满足
- microbe 微生物
- prestige = cachet
- occlude 阻碍
- presage 预示着
- chimerical 空想的
- assertive 自信的
- merchandize
- peripatetic adj. 漫游的;逍遥学派的
- idiosyncratic 特殊的
- kilter = poise 平衡
- alarmist = lurid 危言耸听的
- judicious : ridiculous
- fallacious 谬误的
- supple 柔软
- supplement 补充
- snub 冷落
- chagrin 懊恼
- devious 狡猾的
- introspection 内省
- delusive adj. 欺瞒的;使迷惑的
- vitiate 损害,使无效
- membrane 膜
- clog - clogged 堵塞
- adulate 过分称赞,奉承
- fable 寓言
- apocryphal 虚构的
- ripple 涟漪
- germane 密切的,相关的
- exiguous 稀少的
- bane - baneful 毒药
- lambast 抨击
- downright 彻头彻尾的
- imperialist 帝国主义
- irenic 和平的
- sporadic 零星的
- sordid 肮脏的
- fraught 令人担忧的
- illustrious 杰出的
- emulsify 乳化
- curd 凝乳
- petrify 石化
- disabuse 矫正
- botanist -=
- bombshell
- efface - self-effacing
- villa
- vista 远景
- codify 编纂
- peril - perilous = precarious
- embryo - embryonic
- cone 锥
- alluvial 冲积的
- consort 配偶,结交
- nefarious 邪恶
- vernacular 方言的
- gaffe 失态
- jeremiad 伤心的故事
- carnivore
- congruent 相等的,一致的
- venial 可原谅的
- hortatory 激励的
- opportune - inopportune = anachronistic 不合时宜的
- communal 公共的
- ostensible 表面上
- seamy 丑恶的
- thriller 惊悚片
- escapist 逃避现实的
- disquiet 令人不安
- clerk - cleric
- beatrify 使享福
- christen vt. 为…命名;为…施洗礼
- shrill 尖锐,尖叫
- scaremonger 散布谣言的人
- reef 礁 coral reef
- quib 讥讽
- serendipity
- impolitic = tactless
- rare - rarity
- free-for-all 混战
- demur 提出异议
- finicky 过分讲究的
- animus 女性的男性意向
- tantalize 逗弄
- nostalgia
- expiation 赎罪
- intermediary 中介
- felicitous 恰当的
- cavalier
- ignite 点燃
- machination 阴谋
- mantra 咒语
- obtrusive 突兀的
- demarcation - demarcate 界限
- valedictory 告别的
- tonic 滋补的 = restorative 声调的
- wistful 渴望的,沉思的
- garb 服装
- demean 贬低
- demeanor 举止
- fawn 小鹿,讨好
- unflappability 镇定
- histrionic
- puncture
- prospect 勘探
- loner 孤独的人
- money - monies
- rationale 基本原理
- ancillary 辅助
- lucubration 刻苦钻研
- urbane
- anecdoctal 逸事的
- lapse 失效
- utopia
- preponderance 优势
- annihilate 湮灭
- bemoan vt. 惋惜;为…恸哭
- altar 祭坛
- allude - allusion
- deadpan 面无表情
- plod 沉重的步伐
- absolve 免除
- trajectory 轨迹
- nuanced 细致入微的
- dwindle
- pharmaceutical 制药的
- demonize
- genteel 上流社会的
- vehement 激烈的
- captivate 吸引
- cliquish 小集团的
- conspicuous = obtrusive
- evocative 令人回味的
- genealogy 家谱
- paltry 无价值的
- mindset 心态
- piecemeal 零碎的
- hidebound 墨守成规的
- expatiate 阐述
- foe 敌人
- kindred 家族
- perfidious 背信弃义的
- peregrinate - peregrination 游历
- sagacious
- bereave - bereft 剥夺
- emphatic 显著的
- quintessential 典型的
- profound - profundity
- perspicacity = discernment
- tangent - tangential
- collage
- attest
- tenement 公寓
- hoard 囤积
- taxonomic 分类学的
- meteorite
- dynamo 发电机
- prominence
- autism 自闭症
- overhaul 改革
- wholesale 大规模
- flummery
- longevity
- proscript - proscriptive
- bludgeon 恐吓
- maw - mawkish
- touted 被吹捧的
- replicate = duplicate
- assertory 确定的
- tenor 男高音,要旨
- succor 救援
- metamorphose 变质
- gild 镀金
- ornate 华丽的
- rabid 患狂犬病的,偏激的
- delimit 划定界限
- parochial 狭隘的
- requisite 必要的
- badger 獾
- repulse 拒绝,击退
- sensuality 性感
- shatter 粉碎
- perverse 有悖常理的
- revive
- lurch 突然倾斜
- exorbitance 过度
- convulsion 痉挛
- esurient 暴食的
- philanthropic 博爱的
- patrician 贵族
- myopic 近视的,目光短浅的
- pliant 顺从的
- abolitionist 废奴主义
- suffrage 选举权
- suffragist 妇女政权论者
- compatriot 同胞
- miscegenation 异族通婚
- nativism 先天论
- racism 种族歧视
- aberrant 奇异的 - aberration 反常现象
- abiding 持久的
- cloy 厌倦
- clueless 愚蠢的
- churn 搅拌
- execrate 咒骂
- lament
- antedate 先于
- heresy 异端
- omnivorous 无所不吃的
- prodigious 惊人的
- cleave 劈开
- displease 使生气
- mores 习俗
- transcendent 卓越的
- modicum 少量
- soft-pedal 不张扬
- crust 地壳
- warp 弯曲,变形
- distend 膨胀
- putative 假定的
- derogation 减损
- understatment 轻描淡写
- restraint 克制
- perforce 必然地
- anathema 詛咒
- backhanded 间接的
- envisiage 设想
- strew 洒满
- forswear 作伪证
- fusty 发霉的
- jibe 嘲笑
- sectarian 宗派的
- purview 范围
- remunerative 有利可图的
- ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的
- lurk 潜伏
- contrail 航迹云
- benighted 愚昧
- multitudinous 众多
- obtuse 迟钝的
- mendacity 谎言
- abnegation 克制,放弃
- vociferous 激烈的
- balm 乳香
- atonement 赎罪
- chastize 惩罚
- espouse 支持
- crowd out 推开
- antedate 先于
- unwieldy 笨重的
- egalitarian 平等主义的
- inclusive 包容的
- archtypal 原型
- staunch 坚定的
- fealty 忠诚
- willful 任性
- chimera 嵌合体
- anachronism 时代错误
- conumdrum 难题
- invective - inventive
- intact 完整的
- crater 火山口
- cult 崇拜
- forage 搜寻
- antidote 解药
- forsake 背离
- contravene 违反
- maverick 特立独行的
- malefactor 坏人
- byline 署名
- scrupulous
- oblivious 健忘的
- resumption 恢复
- sleazy = sordid 低级庸俗的
- hone 磨炼
- brackish 难吃的
- salinity 盐度
- turbid 浑浊的
- quell 镇压
- improvise - improvisation
- illicit
- timber 木材
- as though 好像
- quizzical 古怪的
- proffer
- brazen 厚颜无耻的
- flaccid 弛缓的
- pejorative 贬义的
- fungible 可替代的
- inimitable 独特的
- retrograde 退化的
- belabor 抨击;反复讨论