Word List
- verbal(170,2 sessions, 30m)
- 填空
- 10 阅读 (23-24min)
- 短: 1-2 题
- ABCDE 单选
- ABC 不定项
- 长: 4-5 题
- 短: 1-2 题
- 10 填空 (6-7min)
- Text Completion 6
- 1空 5选1
- 2空 3选1
- 3空 3选1
- Sentence Equivalence 4
- 6选2
- 转折
- 句子转折
- 时间转折
- Text Completion 6
- 10 阅读 (23-24min)
- 填空
- quantatitive(170, 2 sessions)
- verbal(170,2 sessions, 30m)
5.12 Verbal
- divergent 发散的
- belligerent 好战的
- erudite 博学的
- implacable 无情的
- evanescent 逐渐消失的
- elate 得意的
- belie = mask = veil 掩饰;证明为假
- antipathy 反感
- compunction 愧疚
- retreat 撤回
- retrench 减小开支
- interchangable 一样
- vocal = blunt = forthright 直言不讳
- polemical 有争议
- synthesize 综合
- incorporate 包含
- delineate 描述
- recast 重塑
- balk 犹豫 at
- revel 开心 at
- retaliate at = revenage 复仇
- misery = illiberality = parsimony 吝啬
- thrift = frugality = sparing = stinting 节约
- unstinting 慷慨大方的
- diffidence $\leftrightarrow$ confidence
- intense - intensify
- adopt 采纳
- adapt 适应,改编
- adept = skillful
- viable 可存活的,可行的
- germinate 发芽
- substantiate = verify
- dormancy 沉睡
- brevity - brief
- banal = trite = prosaic = hackneyed -stale 陈腐的
- uncritical 不批评的
- competent 有能力的
- competitive 有竞争力的
- cynics 愤世嫉俗
- fasti 年表
- reticent = taciturn 沉默寡言的
- unkempt 不整洁的
- fastidious = demanding = picky = particular = exacting = acerbic = choosy = meticulous 挑剔的
- adherent n.拥护者 v.~ to
- loquacious = garrulous 话多的
- condescending 高人一等
- perceptive 有感知力的
- astute 机敏的
- spur to 刺激
- panacea for 万能药
- bear the full stamp of 带有……特征
- spurious = artificial = forged = phony = specious = fake = plastic
- repudiation - repudiate 拒绝
- vindicate = exculprit 证明清白
- culprit 罪犯
- disseminate 传播
- ratificate 批准,许可
- ramification = branch 分支,后果
- denunciation - denounce
- row n.争吵
- incipient 刚出现的
- predicament = dilemma
- injudicious 无判断力的
- overshadow = eclipse 更优秀
- foster = promote 培育
- surmise 猜测
- elicit 推导(有证据)
- stipulate 规定
- missives = correspondance
- journals = diaries
- deed 行为
- intimacy 亲密
- proximity = vicinity
- profusion = affluence - copious
- recalcitrance 反抗
- allegation = indictment 起诉书,控告 指控
- undiminished = undamaged
- simple mindedness 头脑简单
- cunning = craft
- rumination = meditation 沉思
5.12 HW
- Babylonian 巴比伦
- disdain 鄙视
- ambivalence - ambivalent
- deference to 顺从
- pernicious 有害的
- salubrious 有益的
- slack - slacken 松弛
- commence 开始
- culminate 到达高潮
- ascertain 确定,查明
- exacerbate = aggravate = decline = deteriorate 加剧
- colonize 殖民
- favorable 有利的
- antebellum 战前
- antiquated = archaic
- mandate 授权
- arrest 阻止
- infectious 传染性
- futile 徒劳的
- replicate 复制
- check 制止
- unleash 释放 ~ a series of changes
- menace 威胁
- treachery 背叛
- be not so much ~ as ~ 与其说,不如说
- endorse 支持
- resent 怨恨
- anarchy 无政府状态
- demolition 拆除,破坏
- devastation 破坏
- commemoration 纪念
- diatribe 谩骂
- circuitous 迂回的
- spontaneous 自发的
- degenerative 退化的
- prognosis 预报
- auspicious 吉利的
- mill 搅拌;乱转
- rapport
- bombastic 夸夸其谈的
- prolific 多产的
- eclectic 折中的
- commentator 评论员
- electorate 选民
- mercurial 水银的, 善变的
- corrosive 腐蚀性的
- disingenuous 虚伪的
- phlegmatic 冷漠的
- aria 咏叹调
- decorous 高雅的
- dispassionate 不偏不倚的
- pithy 简洁有力
- conformist = conventional
- volatile 挥发性的,不稳定的
- duplicitous 两面派的
- imperturbable = apathetic - apathy 冷静的
- blithe 快乐的
- in stark contrast
- likewise 同样的
- Neptune 海王星
- be elated by 得意的
- factual 事实的
- rite 仪式
- scathing = acerbic 尖酸刻薄的
5.12 Writing
- perplexing = confusing
- enamor 使迷恋 be enamored by
- elude 使迷惑
- sth does not pale
- ambiguity in comprehensibility and complexity
- paramount 最重要的
- lucidity 清晰
- catchy 朗朗上口的
- integrity and uniqueness
- aesthetic appreciation
- peerless 杰出的
- handsome profits
- flamboyant 华丽的
- lavishly 奢华地,浪费地
- conjure up = come up with
- evanescent = fleeting 转瞬即逝的
- trepidation of sth. 恐惧
- be embodied in = be shown in
- his / her
- alinate sb. from sb.
- Picasso’s “Guernica”
- cubism
- surrealism
- vivid portrayal of the painter’s metal agony and fury about violence
- prestigious 高贵的
- abstruseness = elusiveness = opaqueness = arcane = obscureness
- preclude doing 阻止
- devil’s tramp
- meritorious = valuable
- juvenilely 幼稚地
- convergence of A and B
- mediocrity 中庸
- charismatic (charisma) = charming = attractive
- comprise an irreplaceable role in sth.
- endeavor to success
- relentlessly 不间断的 relent 缓和
- tarnish 玷污
- stain = blot = blemish
- delibel 可抹除的 indelibel
- sloth = laziness
- misconduct = misbehaviour
- at odds with 冲突
- sporadic = occassional
- predestined 注定的
- the affluence of
- delinquency 渎职
- regular presidential election
- appallingly 令人毛骨悚然地
- spring from = derive from
- accumulation of experience
- tenure 任期
- endow sb. with sth.
- unsung Joe 无名小卒
- covet = desire
- eminently respected = famous
- stand tenable = stand valid
- hinge on = depend on
- abound in 广泛存在于
- in terms of content and expression
- know it, accept it and, finally, are inclined to spread it
- 时间对比 , which used to be exclusive to the noble and upper class,
- attain fresh significance
- gain enviable popularity
- pander to sth. = cater to sth
- at the cost of = at the expense of
- turn a blind eye to
- emphasize A over B
- due to the absence of
- Have … ? Possibly. Has … ? Hardly.
- The very fact that
- …; likewise, …
- under no circumstance does sth. hinder sb. from doing
- achieve worldwide fame
- feel a sense of closeness with sb.
- foster the quality of; foster our aesthetic appreciation
- exert a detrimental influence on
- , if … , …
- witness a balance of power between A and B
- working ethic
- subsequent success
- be not … but rather …
- switch our attention to sth.
- lose one’s crown overnight
5.19 数学
- non-overlapping regions
- solid pyramid 四面体
- circumference 周长
- isoscele 等腰
- abscissa 横坐标
- algebraic expression/term 代数式/项
- aliquot, divided evenly 除得尽的
- aliquant 除不尽的
- alternant 交替函数
- alternate angle 内错角
- angle bisector 平分线
- arm 直角三角形直角边
- be equivalent to another equation
- binomial 二项式
- blot out 涂掉
- calculate to three decimal places 保留三位小数
- car pool 汽车合伙使用
- clear an equation of fractions 将分式方程整式化
- common fraction 简分数
- complementary function 余函数
- algebraic fraction
- apiece 每个
- arithmetic progression sequence 等差数列
- geometric progression sequence
- a brace of 两只,一双
- central angle
- circumscribe 外接
- common denominator 公分母
- composite number
- single interest 单利:不滚利 $A(1+rt)$ 利息都是年化利息 $A(1+\frac{r}{n})^{nt}$
- compounded interest 复利:滚利 $A(1+r)^n$
- compound 加重
- congruent 全等的
- consecutive number
- dime 一角
- down payment 直接付款
- equilateral triangle 等边三角形
- solit 立体
- Fahrenheit 华氏度
- cone 圆锥
- decagon 十边形
- hexagon 六边形
- heptagon 七边形
- depreciation 折旧
- quaterly 每季度
- dividend 被除数
- equilateral 等边形
- 2-extent 二维
- exterior angles on the same side of transversal 同旁内角
- hypotenuse 斜边
- infinitesimal 无穷小
- inscribe 内切
- intercept 截距
- like term 同类项
- minuend 被减数
- hyperbola 双曲线
- improper fraction 假分数
- 1 foot = 0.3048m = 12 inch
- 1m = 3.28 feet
- 1 yd = 3 feet
- 1 pound = 0.45 kg = 16 oz(ounce)
5.21 填空
- augment school performance
- detract from sth. 使减损
- organic 有机物
- harpoon 鱼叉
- elaborate 精心制作的
- anomaly = aberration 异常
- put under microscope 清晰的
- vague = nebulous
- idealistic-sounding 听上去很理想
- derivative 派生的;非原创的
- simplistic 简单的
- ineffectual 无效的
- nestling 雏鸟
- impose A on B 强加于
- retain A as B 保留
- sensational 轰动一时的
- unqualified = unalloyed = complete
- qualify 限定
- ever = once
- bear the full stamp of 带有…的特征
- erstwhile = onetime
- self-styled 自许的
- proxy = surrogate 代用物
- disregard 不顾;不尊重
- institute 场所;(政府)制定
- proponent 支持者
- forestall 阻碍
- recombinant 重组
- state and local 国家和地区的
- stiff 强硬
- importunate 胡搅蛮缠的
- mercurial 善变的
- exhaustive = thorought = comprehensive 全面的
- comprehecsible 可理解的
- exhausted 精疲力尽的
- selective = carefully assembled 选修的;精挑细选的
- glib 油嘴滑舌的,随口说的
- specificity 细节,具体
- veracity = factuality 真实
- vivacity 生动活泼
- eccentric 奇怪的
- prickly 脾气差的;多刺的
- solicitous 热心的
- phlegmatic = apathy 冷漠的
- dispel 消除
- accentuate 强调
- profit margin 利润空间
- pro-employee pro-customer pro- 支持
- festering 不断恶化的
- infection 感染
- salve = ointment 药膏
- disburse with 支付
- affliction = plague 受苦受难
- stave off = forestall 避免,阻止
- intangible 无形的
- assuage 缓和
- debunk 揭露
- osteoporosis 骨质疏松症
- civic 市民
- mould = mold 模具
- supplant = replace 取代
- promulgate = disseminate = disperse
- initiative = plan
- commission 委员会
- a byword of 代名词
- put its house in order 整顿内务
- resign - resignation 辞职
- antitrust 反垄断
- devolve 下放,移交
- appropriate 挪用,占用
- shirk 逃避
- overlook 忽略
- oversee 监督
- foresee 预见
- disquisition 专题论文
- rant 大声责骂
- hetero- 异质的
- rudimentary 初始的
- interdependent = interrelated
- stymy 困难境地;阻挠
- technocrat 技术专家
- epidemiologist 流行病学专家
- colossal 巨大的
- voracious = ravenous = instiabble 贪婪的
- cadge 乞讨
- allay 减轻
- provoke 引发,驱使
- satiate 满足
- vegan 素食
- detestale 可憎的
- unappetizing 引不起食欲的
- bland 平淡无奇的
- gleeful 幸灾乐祸的
- scrumptious = delicious = ambrosia 美味的
- gumdrop 软橡皮糖
- odium 讨厌
- affinity 亲和力
- have a predilection for = have an affinity for 偏爱
- streamline 流线
- hind 后 hind legs
- devour 吞噬,毁灭
- luxuriant 华丽的
- gauche 不善交际的,笨拙的
- ascetic 苦行的
- sublime 崇高
- austere 简朴的
- pristine 初始的,崭新的
- decorum = propriety 礼仪
- brashness 自以为是
- trifling 微不足道的
- benevolence 仁
- precocity 早熟
- ignobility 卑鄙
- probity 正直
- amiable 和蔼可亲的
- disposition 性格
- bad mouth 诽谤
- innocuous 无害的
- nocuous 有害的
- gregarious 群居的
- insipid 平淡的
- churlish 脾气暴躁的
- immensity 巨大
- irresistible 不可抗拒的
- calumny 诽谤
- imperinent 不恰当的
- maladroit 笨拙的
- dessicant 干燥剂
- tyro 初学者
- demagogue 煽动者
- ephemeral 短暂的
- complaisant 彬彬有礼的
- officious = meddlesome 好管闲事的
- prescient 有先见之明的
- puerile 幼稚的
- outlandish 古怪的
- motif 主题
- bribe 贿赂
- zealousness 热忱
- adroit 熟练的
- venal 贪污的
- subtlety 微妙
- ostracize 排斥
- shun 回避
- disparate 不同的
- counterfeiter 伪造者
- avert 避免
- repress = forbore 抑制
- unhamper = facilitate
- wretched 可怜的
- discreet = circumspect 谨慎的
- melancholy 忧郁的
- transitoriness 短暂的
- impetuous 冲动的
- chivlrous 骑士的
- boorish 粗鲁的
- be nothing if not 如果不是…就什么都不是
- precipitate 沉淀;加速发生
- tactful 机智的
- vulnerable 脆弱的
- gingerbread 华而不实的
- almond 杏仁
- timeworn 陈旧的
- curative 有疗效的
- tranquilizer 镇定剂
- soporific = hypnotic = somnolent 催眠
- slumber 睡眠
- lethargy = torpor = languor = sloth 麻木,无精打采
- lethargic = torpid = sluggish = slothful = indolent
- enervate = debilitate = weaken = wane = enfeeble = devitalize
- envervated = debilitated = weakend = wan = feeble = emaciated = etiolated = pale
- alleviate = relieve = lessen = mitigate = assuage = allay = lacate = appease
- sedulous 聚精会神
- coruscate 焕发
- debilitate 衰弱
- conceivable 可以想象的
- indiscretion 轻率
- advent 出现
- wan 苍白无力 adj. v.
- sidereal 恒星的
- boisterous 喧闹的
- etiolate 变苍白
- singular 异常的
- circumscribe 限制
- light-hearted 无忧无虑的
- even-tempered 不易激动的
- equanimity 平静
- wipe out = eradicate
- malaise = ailment = malady = condition = complaint
- malign tumor - benign tumor
- advanced cancer
- acute disease - chronic disease
- drup, pill, capsule, syrup(糖浆)
- peculiar 特有的
- pellucid 透明的
- limpid 清澈的
- tranquil 宁静的
- convoluted = complex
- inconsequential 无关紧要的
- imposition 实施;征收
- inhospitable to = unsuitable for
- inured to 习惯
- benignant 和蔼的
- acrimonious 激烈
- ruthless 无情的
- undue 过度的
- scant 缺乏的
- obtrusive 突兀的
- little more than 仅仅是
- erudite 博学的
- nascent 新生的
- deleterious 有害的
- keep a low profile
- indecorous = unseemly 不得体的
- fortuitous 偶然的
- fiasco = debacle 惨败
- feat 功绩
5.26 数学/阅读
- reciprocal 倒数
- pave the way for
- agrarian 农业
- discontent 不满意
- morale 斗志
- be traceable to 与有关
- proceed: v.进展 n. 获利 proceeds
- proceeding(s): 审判,听证 = lawsuit
- Constitution
- Amendment
- social goods - material goods
- moth 蛾
- fecundity 繁殖能力
- from the outset 背景
- pretension 装逼的人
- austerity 清规戒律
- classic 典型的
- classical 古典的
- zooplankton 浮游生物
- sarcasm 讽刺(小)
- irony 讽刺(戏剧)
- comfinement = prison
- oppress 压迫
- tragic 悲剧
- heroine 女主角
- dated today 过时了
- 因果
- because
- come/result/originate/derive/stem/emanate/spring from
- motivate/stimulate/spur/inspire
- parallel/affect/reflection/extension
- 比较
- unlike,constrast,however
- 比较级
- 时间状语
- 相似
- parallel
- remind
- 颜值
- 数字
- 大写
- "
- 引用人说话
- 强调 “important”
- 反讽 a “good” day
- 转折
- 让步
- 转折
- in fact/actually
- unfortunately/surprisingly/ironically/paradoxically(看上去不好,实际是好的)
- 重要性
- 唯一 sole/only/exclusive/unique
- 最 most/first/prior/top/last
- 极 extreme/complete/entire/total/absolute
- un+v(限制)+ed: limit/restrict/confine/stint/circumscribe
- mitigate 缓和,调和 unmitigated 纯粹的
- qualify 限制 unqualified
- un+v(限制)+ed: limit/restrict/confine/stint/circumscribe
- 评价
作文 5.26
- self-motivation and self-discipline
- nature(internal forces=forces of one’s own making: 性格,思维模式) or nurture(external forces)
- social norm vs. preferrence
- 题目引入
- 下定义
- 改写
- 现象/行为
- any attempt to claim one is more influential than the other is overly simplistic
- have distinct natures and mechanisms to affect sth.
- Given the different mechanisms through which …, conclusions drawn from a hasty comparison would certainly be oversimplified.
- at one’s disposal = at one’s discretion
- Examples like these suggest that …
- will = volition
- crime: drug abuse
- depression
- secure funding - face financial hardship
- federal support - collaborative relationship with industry
- stipulate rules which must be followed
- be subject to 承受
- (technology,idea)ubiquitous = pervasive
- this is a claim that
- it is undeniably true that …; however, … do not necessarily mean …
- inherently
- positive image
- “to err is human”, say Alexander Pope
- commit adultery = extramarital affair 通奸,婚外性行为
- gain more publicity
- derogatory remark
- To understand this claim, we need revisit the definition of hero.
- valor = courage
- self-sacrifice
- commitment to public interest
- falsify 伪造,曲解
- the situation may backfire 适得其反
- generalist 通才
- specialist 专才
- draw on transdispline methodologies
- have a profound understanding
- dilemma = quandary
- grapple with = be trapped in
- jeopardize 危及
- well-roundedness = hoslistic capability 全面发展
- delibration = careful consideration
- insatiable desire for
- excel 精通
- slugishness = sloth = procrastination = dilatory
- emphatic = emotional
填空 7.2
- ingenuous 天真无邪
- ingenious 天才的
- not least of 并不是最差的
- for all 尽管
- rosy 乐观的
- cronyism = nepotism 任人唯亲
- quackery 骗子
- aversion 厌恶
- trendy 时尚的
- beefy 强壮的
- audacious 大胆的
- trepid 胆小的
- intrepidion
- furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的
- evasive 逃避的
- elusive 难以捉摸的
- evasive = elusive 难以找到的
- adduce 举出
- deleterous 有害的
- articulate 表达
- objectionable 令人反感的
- interminable 可终止的
- uncompromising = intransigent = unyielding
- exact a toll 造成了代价
- death toll 死亡人数
- tepid 不温不火
- clangorous 响亮的
- in light of = given
- rejuvenate 重返青春
- be obsessed with 被困扰
- excise A from B 切除
- rhapsody 狂想曲(正)
- assiduous 刻苦的
- stanch 止血
- alacrity 欣然 (with alacrity)
- as anything but A = not A
- meticulous = punctilious
- feckless 无用的,无能的
- epitome 典范
- complacent 自大
- intercept 拦截
- pottery 陶瓷业
- insulate 隔热;insulate A from B 免收不良影响
- stagnate = lack of growth 停滞不前
- finance 主语为人或组织机构
- ebullient 热情洋溢的
- measured = calculated 慎重的
- overwrought 过度紧张的
- impassioned 激动的
- dispassionate 冷静的
- wanting 缺乏
- patent 专利,明显的
- languish 憔悴,失去活力
- proliferate 增殖
- jettison 抛弃
- exhilaration 兴奋
- consternation 惊愕
- sycophancy = obsequiousness 谄媚
- have a distaste for
- sabotage 暗中破坏
- acquiescence 默许
- intractability 难以管教的
- categorically 绝对的,无条件的
- squelch 镇压
- run the hazard of
- low-tier 低端
- top brass 上层的
- altruistically 利他主义
- empathy 同理心
- sympahty 同情心,支持
- reciprocity 互惠互利
- conviction 信念,定罪
- derision = ridicule 嘲笑
- iconoclastic 特例独行的
- totemic = emblematic 象征性的
- protean 千变万化的
- industrious 勤劳的
- extol 赞美
- exonerate = vindicate
- reprehend 责备
- laconic 言简意赅的
- tempestuous 有暴风雨的
- portend = predict = harbinger
- encomium 赞美
- renowned 著名的
- nonchalant 冷淡的
- acumen 智慧
- foundered 失败了
- unfounded = baseless 没有根据的
- tenured 终身的
- rigor 严格
- tout 吹捧
- not the least of = one of
- governer 州长
- without 外部,外表,外部条件
- life-as-spectacle
- life-as-experience
- carious 腐烂的
- likable 讨人喜爱的
- can hardly help doing 禁不住
- transcend = surpass = eclipse 超过
- transcendentalism 超验主义(属于实务主义,对立面为 materialism)
- surpassing 最好的
- surpassing beauty
- clover 三叶草
- maize 玉米地,玉米(黄豆) corn 玉米棒
- pea 豌豆
- soybean 黄豆
- evangelical 福音派(新教)
- adj. as it is 尽管
- attend 出席;上学;伴随
- anemone 海葵
- cannibalize 吞吃
- juvenile delinquency
- repellent 驱逐剂
- phytoplankton 浮游植物
- algal 藻
- weaver 纺织工人
- affinity 亲密度;爱好
- inclination
- penchant 爱好
- cranky 脾气暴躁
- entomologist 昆虫学家
- spoof 滑稽模仿
- mort(al) Morte
- monoarchy
- anarchy
- lunatic 疯子
- antithetical 对立的
- liability 债务,缺点
- pedestrian 行人;=unimaginative
- pedestal 基座 put sb. on the pedestal 敬仰
题型 | Description |
取非题 | 送分题 |
改善题 | 发生使得缺点改善、不起作用,都是捏造的 |
陪衬题 | 正衬,反衬,因果衬,相似衬 |
举例作用题 | 最近观点 |
排除题 | |
支持题A | you can say it again,detailize |
支持题B | gap-bridging, precondition |
反对题 | |
类比题 | |
定位题 | |
词汇题 | |
主题题 | 主旨词,过于细节,文章以外 |
- 3+1+1
- 经典错误选项
- 无中生有(内容)
- 无中生有(逻辑):因果、比较、关系
- 以偏概全
- 夸大其词
- 预卜未来
- 经典错误选项
- improvisation 即兴创作
- prodigious 庞大的,惊人的
- raucous 刺耳的
- somber 忧郁的
- indignant 愤怒的
- lukewarm 不冷不热
填空 7.3
- inconsequential 无关紧要的
- prophylactic 预防性的
- immaterial 无形的;不重要的
- metabolism 新陈代谢
- mar 玷污
- compassionate 有同情心的
- nonindigenous 非本土的
- intrigue 阴谋
- lull = respite = rest
- spike = upsurge
- intangible = impalpable 无形的
- ephemeral = momentary 短暂的
- momentus 重要的
- unalloyed = unquanlified
- auspicious 吉利的
- degenerative 衰退的
- linger 逗留
- convoluted = intricate 复杂的
- pressing = exigent 急迫的
- enervate 无力的
- cajoles = coax 诱骗
- plethora 过多
- mirthful = jovial 欢乐的
- vacuous 空洞的
- cheerless = gloomy
- consummate 完美的
- dismal 惨淡的
- oracular 神谕
- prophetic 预示的
- fragility 脆弱的
- disparate 不同的
- cutting-edge = advanced = state-of-the-act
- hostility = inimical = antagonistc
- symbiotic 共生的
- tyranny = autocratic
- indifferent = apathetic
- galvanize 激励
- quiescent = abeyant 沉寂
- bootless = feckless = fruitless 无用
- subvert 颠覆
- anomaly = aberration 反常
- mainstay 支柱
- venality = corrupt = bribe 受贿
- vindication 证明无罪
- probity = integrity 廉洁
- sway 摆动;影响
- uninhibited 无拘束的
- raillery 开玩笑
- effusiveness 热情洋溢的
- forbearance 克制,忍耐
- edifying 有启发意义的
- lugubraious 悲伤的
- madcap 快乐的,狂妄的
- facetious 滑稽的
- reserved 缄默的
- beguiling 欺骗的;令人陶醉的
- beguile 欺骗,吸引
- counterfeit 假冒
- forgo 放弃
- instinctive 内在的
- acquired 后天习得的
阅读 7.4
文章类型 | 主题题A.内容 | 主题题B.结构 |
现象解释 | 三位科学家就恐龙灭绝原因展开讨论 | phenomenon-explanation |
问题解决 | 三位科学家对解决问题给出对策 | problem-solving |
观点对比 | 喝骨头汤不会长个子 | idea/view contrast,O+X+N |
结论阐述 | 总分 | systematically arranged |
- dichotomy 二分法
- posit 假设
- untangle 解开
- revolt 反抗
- retold 讲述
- embellish 修饰
- shed light on 展示了
- dossier 资料汇编
- insurrection 叛乱
- cursory 草率的
- abet 煽动,教唆
- strain 压力
- hive 蜂巢
- drone 雄峰
- fertilize 受精
- supplant 取代
- quo 现状
- diabete 肥胖
- glucose 葡萄糖
- pancrea 胰腺
- insulin 胰岛素
- glycemia 血糖
- fluoride 氟化
- pacifist 爱好和平的
- obscure 晦涩的,掩盖
- culminate
- pleistocene 更新世
- fanciful 幻想的
- glaciation 冰川作用
- rather than 而不是
- willy-nilly 不管愿不愿意地
- tangential 切向的,无关的
- collage 拼贴画
- tenement 租房子
- guise 伪装
- attest 证明
- hoard 囤积
- implosion 内爆
- nebula 星云
- pulsate 有规律地跳动,脉搏
- orb 球形的
- cornerstone 基石
- unequivocally 毋庸置疑的
- strand 链,线
- hallucination 幻觉
- igneous 火成的
- meteorite 陨石
- dislodge 驱逐
- curiously 奇怪的
- thematic 主题的
- solidarity 团结
- antigen 抗原
- conviction 信念
- counterpart 相似物
- consist in = include
- mental exercise
- gadget 小物件
- relieve A from B
- more and more 可倒装
- torrent 水流
- IoT: Internet of Things
- 直播 live streaming
- 网红经济 web celebrity economy
- 公民素质 civic qualities
- 定价因素 pricing
- 经营不善 inadvisable/poor management
- 经济不景气 negative economic
- fashion-chaser
- hub = center
- find the speaker’s contention indispensible
- raise one’s expectation
- time devoted to keep pace with technology
- 领域:bio-technology, medical technology, genetics, engineering and chemistry
- kaleidoscope 万花筒
填空 7.8
- grind 研磨
- excavate 挖掘
- underscore 强调
- derivative 派生;非原创的
- esoteric 难懂的
- tendentious 偏见的
- grossly 完全地
- deplore 谴责
- naysayer 唱反调的人
- naysay 拒绝
- pushover 容易做的事
- braggart 吹牛的人
- circumvent 规避
- boon 福利
- unfeeling 无情的
- gut 肠子
- gut-level 本能的
- interfere 干涉
- pugnacious = truculent 好战的
- supercilious 高人一等的
- polarize 两极分化
- conciliatory 和解的
- platitudinous 陈词滥调
- opprobrious 辱骂
- preside over 主持,对负责
- seethe over 生气
- undeserve 不值得
- if + adj 尽管…
- if controversial
- eclecticism 折衷主义
- 兼收并蓄
- 非原创
- suspense 悬念;暂停
- squander 浪费
- credibility 信誉
- pretension 自负
- perennial 常年的
- quotidian 日常的
- realism - sacrifice redibility
- corroborate 证实
- tepid 不温不火
- contaminate 污染
- uncontaminate 缺乏污染
- unnerve 使失去勇气
- emancipate A from B
- corporate 企业
- decry 谴责
- bungle 失败,搞砸
- unrivaled = unsurpassed
- orthodox 正统的
- revisionist 修正主义
- enigmatic 神秘的
- all the more 更
- revile 辱骂
- discreet 谨慎的;不明显的
- discretion 谨慎;自主决定权
- discretionary 自主决定权的
- dissent 异议
- perceptible = discernable 察觉
- usage 对待
- deject 使气馁
- politic 精明的
填空 7.9
- adroit 熟练的
- vulgarity = crassness 粗俗
- discourse 话语
- antithesis 对立面
- precursor 先导
- civility = comity
- flagrant 极其糟糕的
- unproductive 无用的
- unproblematic 无问题的
- foster 促进,养育
- distinct 不同的,明显的
- distinctive
- distinguished
- homogeneity = resemblance
- nomadic 游牧的
- peripheral 外围的,次要的
- rein = bridle 缰绳
- manacle 手铐
- rein = manacle = bridle = inhibit 抑制,限制
- indemnify 赔偿
- vendor 供应商;小贩
- steep 高的
- bristle 发怒
- promise 预示;前景
- imprudence 不谨慎
- dilatory = sluggish
- expedite = accelerate
- capitulate 投降
- comical 滑稽的
- get in the way 阻挡
- implacable 无情的
- attorney 律师
- cavil 挑剔
- commandeer 霸占,征用
- kinetic 活跃的
- dissension 异议
- mordancy 尖酸刻薄
7.10 填空
- sketchy 粗略的
- skeptical 怀疑的
- far-fetched 牵强附会的
- characteristic 特征
- Demographic 人口学的
- intransigent 不妥协的
- insurrection 起义
- squelch 镇压
- stir 搅拌
- pragmatsm 实用主义
- decadent 颓废的
- phobia 恐惧症
- claustrophobic 幽闭恐惧症
- prepossessing 有魅力的
- unprepossessing
- grandiose 豪华的
- austere = ascetic
- spare 节约的,简朴的
- atavistic 隔代遗传的
- declamatory 慷慨激昂的
- self-regarding 自私的
- campaign speech 竞选演说
- pomposity 浮夸
- file for 申请
- contingency 可能的事,应急
- liability 责任(赋税、赔偿)
- penance 忏悔
- mince no words 直言
- acerbic = harsh
- obsequious = ingratiating 讨好人的
- provocative 挑衅;引起争论
- reserved 沉默寡言的
- simple = ingenuous
- sententious 精炼的
- forbear 克制
- purport to do 打算
- psychotic 神经病
- ludicrous 可笑的
- clumsy 笨拙的
- stylized 程式化的
- reactionary 反动的;反对改革的
- devoid of 缺乏
- feud 不和
- affection 喜爱
- list 倾斜
- erect 直立的
- concur 达成一致
- parallel 相似性
- peccadillo 小瑕疵
- pretext 借口
- hazy 朦胧的
- sanction 支持
- countenance 面容;支持
- castigate 斥责
- perpetuate 不断出现
- condone 宽恕
- clandestine 秘密
- opportunistic 机会主义的
- inconsequencial = trifling = trivial
- xenophobic 排外的
- litigation 诉讼
- connoisseur = authenticator 鉴赏家
- placebo 安慰剂
- exude 散发出
- commute 通勤
- gloat 幸灾乐祸
- commiserate 怜悯
- circumspect 谨慎
- inattentive 粗心的
- candid 坦诚的
- fluster about 慌慌张张的
- delve 深入研究
- estrangement 疏远
- potence 能力
- potency 效力
- potent = powerful
- impotence 无能力
- avidity 热烈的
- undertake 承担
- resourceful 足智多谋的
- impasse 僵局
- promise to 预示着
- fight sth. to a draw
填空 7.12
- irreparable 不可挽回的
- tentative 暂定的
- deluge 洪水 a deluge of information
- clement = merciful = lenient 宽宏大量的,仁慈的
- condign = meet 应得的,适当的(罪犯)
- tantamount = equivalent 同等的;相当于…的
- corporal 肉体的,身体的
- many wonder A or B: 反
- at odds with 与矛盾
- tenacity tenacious 韧性
- tenuous 弱的
- effusiveness 热情洋溢
- disinterested 客观公正
- lucid 清晰的;易懂的
- pellucid 清楚好懂的
- elucidate 说清楚
- sympathetic 支持的
- unsympathetic
- coverage 媒体报道
- municipal 市政的
- metropolitan
- sanguine, rosy 乐观的
- approbatory to 支持
- arrest = check = contain
- escalate 升级
- sever 切断 the connection
- revere 尊敬
- unencumber 限制
- diverting 吸引人的
- credulous 易相信别人的
- austerity 紧缩;简朴
- prolixity 冗长
- prodigality 挥霍
- frivolous - frivolity 轻浮的
- accessibility 易懂的
- impentrability 难懂
- ponitential 后悔的
- ponitential austerity 苦行僧般的生活
- impetuous 冲动的
- imperiously 妄自尊大地
- for all 尽管
- unspacing 不宽恕的
- thorny 多刺的
- of late adv. 近来
- belligerent 好战的
- disposition 性情
- dense 信息量大而难懂的;笨
- sensuous 性感的,肉欲的
- invalue = priceless
- effortless 容易的
- unparalleled = uncomparabled
- jubilation = elation 高兴
- canned = formulaic 千篇一律的
- tortuous 曲折的,复杂的
- arduous = strenuous 艰巨的
- sidestep = bypass = circumvent
- implusive = capricious
- contingent = circumstantial 偶然的
- transitory = transient = momentary 短暂的
- teem 充满
- succinct 简洁的
- preclude 排除,阻止
- concise - concision
- imperturbability 平静的 perturb
- punctilious 认真的
- interpose 强势插入
- distorting 扭曲的
- peripheral activity 业余活动
- entomologist 昆虫学家
- misgiving 担忧
- layoff 裁员
- vapid = jejune 无聊的
- trenchant 犀利
- perfunctory = cursory
- acumen 智慧
- ambivalence 矛盾心理
- match 与……相匹配
- wayward 任性的;不规则的
- errant 不定的;错误的
- crisp 脆的
- incisive 一针见血的
- agonize 感到极度痛苦;苦思冥想
- ethnomusicology 人种音乐学
- minute 微小的
- detachment from 与……脱节
单词 July 15
- incursion 入侵
- practitioner 从业人员
- bridle 缰绳
- unbridled = unencumbered 不受限制的
- judicious 明智的,判断正确的
- paleaontologist 古生物学
- conflate = incorporate = blend = merge 合并
- stringent 严格
- nebulous 模糊的
- prodigy 奇才
- polymath 博学家
- tyro = rookie = novice = neophyte = newbie 初学者
- veteran 老兵,老手
- ante 赌注
- philistine 文化艺术修养低的人,小市民
- deferential 恭敬的
- preoccupied 全神贯注的
- inquisitive 好奇的
- compartmentalize 划分
- compart 间隔
- compartment 间隔
- origin = provenance
- specious 似是而非的
- intersect with 相交的
- reading spectacles 眼镜
- renounce 宣布放弃
- premium 溢价,品质高的
- ephemeral 短暂的
- euphemism 委婉的
- egalitarian 平等主义的
- believability 可信度
- invigorate 使有活力
- enfeeble 使衰弱
- in hindsight 后见之明
- slight = disparage 轻蔑
- trove 宝库
- vilify 诽谤
- futile = fruitless
- exclusively 唯一的
- frown 皱眉
- distance lends enchantment 距离产生美
- nugatory 无法律效力的,无用的
- ingenious = clever = facile
- thoughtful 沉思的,善解人意的
- rattle 使慌乱
- choreograph 编排
- stand out of the pack 脱颖而出
- anonymous 匿名的,缺乏个性的
- confessional 自白的
- melancholic 忧郁的
- urbane 优雅的
- salacious 淫荡的
- aghast 惊呆了
- maudlin 伤感
- seditious 煽动的
- accommodating 乐于助人的
- absurdly 极其
- panegyric 赞颂
- objectionable 令人反感的
- vantage 有利的
- normalcy 一般
- oscurity 默默无闻
- wind up = end up
- succumb to = yield to
- salutary 有益的
- pedestrain 普通的
- vocational 职业
- salvation 救恩
- perpetuate 延续
- inocluate 接种 sb against
- superstition 迷信