How many edges that a graph $G$ can have if $G$ has some property
Triangle-free graph
contains no triangle as subgraph
- Mantel’s Theorem (1907): if $G(V,E)$ has $|V|=n$ and is triangle-free, then $|E|\leq\frac{n^2}{4}$
- for $n$ is even, extremal graph: $K_{\frac{n}{2},\frac{n}{2}}$
- First Proof: Induction
- Second Proof: $d_u+d_v\leq n$
- Third Proof
Cliques-free graph
- Turán’s Theorem (1941): If $G(V,E)$ has $|V|=n$ and is $K_r$-free, then $|E|\leq\frac{r-2}{2(r-1)}n^2$
- First Proof: Induction
- Second Proof: weight shifting
- Third Proof: the probalilistic method
- Fourth Proof: Turán graph $T(n,r)=K_{n_1,\cdots,n_r},\sum_{i=1}^rn_i=n,n_i\in{\lfloor\frac{n}{r}\rfloor,\lceil\frac{n}{r}\rceil}$, $T(n,r-1)$ has no $K_r$
- Turán’s Theorem (independent set): $G(V,E)$ has $|V|=n$ and $|E|=m$ then $G$ has an independent set of size $\geq\frac{n^2}{2m+n}$
- Parallel Max: compute max of $n$ distinct numbers
- 1-round: ${n\choose 2}$
- 2-round: $O(n^{\frac{4}{3}}),k=n^{\frac{2}{3}}$
Cycles-free graph
- $g(G)\geq 5,|E|\leq\frac{1}{2}n\sqrt{n-1}$
Specific-substructure-free graph
- $\text{ex}(n,H)=\max_{G\not\supset H,|V(G)|=n}|E(G)|$
- Turan’s Theorem: $\text{ex}(n,K_r)=|T(n,r-1)|\leq\frac{r-2}{2(r-1)}n^2$
- $K_s^r=K_{s,s,\cdots,s}=T(rs,r)$: complete $r$-partite graph with $s$ vertices in each part
- Fundamental theorem of extremal graph theory (Erdős–Stone 1946): $\text{ex}(n,K_s^r)=(\frac{r-2}{2(r-1)}+o(1))n^2$
- Corollary: For any nonempty graph $H$, $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{\text{ex}(n,H)}{n\choose 2}=\frac{\chi(H)-2}{\chi(H)-1}$
- extremal density of subgraph $H$: $\frac{\text{ex}(n,H)}{n\choose 2}$